Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Relativism and Morality - 871 Words
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Monday, December 23, 2019
A Brief Note On The Ancient Indian Period Essay - 1249 Words
Originate In the ancient Indian period, because the Hindu caste system did not lift the pain of practitioners. Siddhartha Gautama, the prince of ancient Kapilavastu (now Nepal), went to the rest of the world to continue to explore the true meaning of life. One day was observed under the Bodhi tree in their own feelings into the state of Nirvana. And then realized that he found a way to stop the pain, then he traveled to the Ganges to preach to others. According to his teaching methods, many people understand the truth and stop the pain. Gradually, then the resulting Buddhism. From the beginning of the Maurya Empire, Buddhism, respectively, to the north and south in two directions. South Buddhism (also known as the Ministry of the upper seat of Buddhism) spread through Ceylon to Southeast Asia, mainly in Southeast Asia, Indochina and other places. Northern Buddhism (also known as Mahayana Buddhism) arrived in Xinjiang through Kashmir, as early as the first century of the Eastern Han Dynasty Bud dhism was introduced to China. Northern Buddhism was formally introduced into Tibet in the 8th century. At this point, the Northern Buddhism is divided into Chinese Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism. According to records, in 67 AD, the emperor of the Eastern Han dynasty dreamed a man who made of gold. Then he sent some people to the Western access to Kasyapa Matanga. And brought a lot of Buddha and Buddhist scriptures, with the White Horse Camel back to the capital Luoyang. The emperorShow MoreRelated Comparison of Platos The Last Days of Socrates and Hesses Siddhartha1699 Words  | 7 Pagesor philosophical ideas in the cultures that they focus on. While vast differences exist between the Greek and Indian values that shape their philosophies, they make similar assumptions as they attempt to make sense of the world. Understanding the dichotomous relationship of the soul and the body is integral to grasping the similarities and differences between the classical Greek and Indian paths because the way in which these concepts are understood defines the very nature of truth.  SocratesRead More The Historical Context of The Bhagavad Gita and Its Relation to Indian Religious Doctrines2505 Words  | 11 PagesThe Historical Context of The Bhagavad Gita and Its Relation to Indian Religious Doctrines The Bhagavad Gita is perhaps the most famous, and definitely the most widely-read, ethical text of ancient India. As an episode in Indias great epic, the Mahabharata, The Bhagavad Gita now ranks as one of the three principal texts that define and capture the essence of Hinduism; the other two being the Upanishads and the Brahma Sutras. Though this work contains much theology, its kernel is ethical and itsRead MoreMathematics Is That Of Pi ( ÃŽ )1728 Words  | 7 Pagesexact value of À to a few decimal place values, although that hasn’t stopped mathematicians from pursuing a more accurate representation for its value throughout time. The earliest know approximations for the value of À have been identified on ancient clay tablets, dated 1900-1650 BC, from the Babylonian civilization which states the value of À as (25/8) = 3.125. and from the Egyptian civilization, from the Rhind Papyrus(1650BC), which approximates the value of À to be (16/9)^2 = 3.1605. 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In fact, sources of ancient Indian history are complicated, especially in the case of the written sources, so they need to be examined carefully. In the scope of my study, I will focus on two groups which are as follows: the analyzing and criticizing of these sources by professional historians and students of history. My method is to inform, explain, and summarize written sources and survey one typical example of early Indian history. I hopeRead MoreWritten Sources13665 Words  | 55 Pagesstudying early Indian history also follows this principle. In fact, sources of ancient Indian history are complicated, especially in the case of the written sources, so they need to be examined carefully. In the scope of my study, I will focus on two groups which are as follows: the analyzing and criticizing of these sources by professional historians and students of history. My method is to inform, explain, and summarize written sources and survey one typical example of early Indian history. 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The oldest known list of medicinal herbs is Shen Nung’s Pen Ts’ao or Shennong Ben Cao Jing dated back to 3000 B.C. (A Brief History of Herbalism. 2007) Ancient Greeks and Romans were also known to have herbalist surgeons traveling with the Roman army spreading their knowledge
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Management of Industrial Relations Free Essays
Industrial relations is seen as the most subtle and complicated crisis of current Industrial society. It Is Impossible for any organization to have harmonious working environment unless and until there Is a heedful relationship and cooperation with labors. Hence, it is vital for all to have appropriate interest in generating fine relations between the two actors known as employers and employees. We will write a custom essay sample on Management of Industrial Relations or any similar topic only for you Order Now This essay will elaborate on the controversial issues such as, strike and absenteeism followed by owe these issues affects the actors mainly employer, employee and entire population either directly or indirectly In their daily lives and whether does this Issues have positive or negative Impact on them. To begin with, Industrial relation Is considered to be a diverse field which Is viewed in different perspectives by three distinctive schools where in unitary school, industrial relations see employer-employee relationships essentially harmonious and conflict is seen as the intrusion, Pluralist perspective accepts expected conflicts and variety of groups will compete with evergreen interests, objectives and aspirations and through Marxist viewpoint there is a perpetual conflict between the two actors because of the unfair distribution of wealth and power between them. All these diverse nature portrayed by each school has some controversial Issues that Is related with Industrial relations thus, affecting everybody either directly or indirectly. Moving on, the controversial issues are mainly the industrial conflicts in an organization and the most popular one is â€Å"strike’ which is a strong weapon utilized by labor alliance or trade unions in regards to getting heir certain demands to be fulfilled. Generally, group of workers relinquish the production process and brings up pressure on the employer In order to get their demands accepted. The most obvious effect of strike on employer Is that production schedules are disrupted and production capacity lowers. This â€Å"directly†affects the employers, employees and also the state whereby, employees lose out on working days and because of this, production and profit is forgone to the employers and once profitability level is down there is a huge tax loss by state. Hence, this also indirectly†affects the general public whereby, inflation takes place since there is product scarcity as production disturbance Is caused through strike and as a result, the public faces disruption of certain goods and services. Mostly due to strike there can be a severe economic and social effects and costs which can generally affect the actors, states and entire population. This can be supported through an event that had happened in 1959 in Fijian oil Industry where workers strike for higher wages and benefits like; sick leave and 40 hour workweek; â€Å"The strike was held for complete days in which all the gasoline stations were under stoppage since the fuses were gasoline stations the essential transportation services like bus and taxis also went on strike in order to pressure the employers to accept the demands and also to commence the service soon. This affected the general public since they were deprived from transportation services. Later, the striking crowd grew and because of their demands still not being answered, workers threw rocks at the Europeans. This caused social cost since other shops located beside the gasoline stations were also imaged by the rock thrown and since the curfew was established later therefore, innocent people available near the scenic area also got victimized and had to taken to hospital hence causing social cost where they had to seek medical attentions by doctors†(Global Nonviolent Action Database). On the other hand, strike also has positive impacts whereby it can significantly progress the lives of workers together with their families. Benefits may include where the employees might lose their wages for the certain days but they achieve more in regards to longer terms for example, wrought strike employees bargains an increment of 5% in their wage rate for an year then basically upcoming increases will be supported by larger amounts. Furthermore, absenteeism and attendance are also importance to industrialized society. Largely, absence from work creates extensive range of consequences on the workers, workplace, the industrial operations, and also the stipulation of goods and services to society. T characterizes a form of momentary revoke from the organization by the employees which enforces essential costs on the process of labor management. Absenteeism is due to many reasons such as Job stress, personal attitude or Job satisfaction but at the same time it also affects generally. This stands out to be the alarmingly high cost to management. This is evident when glanced at some foreign countries like Australia where i ndustries â€Å"through absenteeism lost thirty times the number of working days than strike and eventually loosing approximately $7 billion annually. Similarly, American industries also encountered it where â€Å"approximately $40 billion is lost annually’ (Gorilla, MAGMA, course book). Hence, profitability level is at risk and states lose out on tax. Likewise, employees also lose out where due to absenteeism they might get terminated or dismissed from the employment contract that they were under and as a result, they will be left unemployed and largely it will affect their family since they might not be able to gain access to basic food items for their survival in future thus leading them to poverty. Looking at the population, they will be deprived from non-availability of certain goods and services thus, rise in price of products, leads to a drop in purchasing power and generally low income earned by retail shops. However, being left from work for nine basis can be advantageous for individuals and also for the workplace. It approaches to help in reducing the risk of injuries not only to employees but permits a productive workplace, through sick leave employers are able to get rid of workplace stress and other disorders, and also maintains productive workforce. For instance, an employee is ill but is trying not to affect the Job that is being given therefore, that might affect other employees as that illness can be infectious, making the certain employees ill at the same time thus, more sick leaves are being utilized, eventually effecting the production level for a week or so. Categorized in diverse nature which stands out to be occupied with controversial issues which is in a form of conflicts mainly known as strike and absenteeism. These issues do have both negative and positive impacts on the entire population and employer, employee and also the state where they have to pass through economic and social costs. Eventually, to get rid of these issue and to have a healthy workplace policies must be revised and established hence, having a productive workplace and employers benefit the most which at last promotes betterment to state and the population. Bibliography Invalidates. Swarthmore. Deed, (2014). How to cite Management of Industrial Relations, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Nostradamus Essay Example For Students
Nostradamus Essay Michel De Nostradame, otherwise known as Nostradamus was born December 14, 1503. His family was of Jewish ancestry. His grandfather, Pierre de Nostradame, had settled in Provence because by the mid-1400s, many Jews had come to live there. Nostradamus father was Jacques de Nostradame. Jacques worked as a scholary, since most people didnt know how to write he wrote things for them, from love letters to formal documents. Jacques income provided a good home at the time. Nostradamus earliest recollection of his home was the following:Typical of all provenal homes in the sixteenth century was the room where both domestic and social life was carried on. The center and symbol of the rooms activity was the great fireplace, majestic, caver-nous, holding a banked fire that never went out since his mother and father moved in. Shining pots and pans of brass hung low from the mantle shelf. At either angle of the fireplace was an oak settle were his grandfathers liked to laze and talk when they came to visit. On the walls hung light cabinet shelves holding salt and spices.Nostradamus had one definite brother, Csar who wrote Histoire de Provence, a book which sustains the myth of the Nostradamus royal line. Historians think Nostradam us had three other brothers, Bertrand, Hector, and Antoine, but they are not sure and almost nothing is known about them besides their names. Nostradamus was educated by his grandfathers. First Peyrot, who had been a great traveler, brought Nostradamus up in his home.He taught Nostradamus the basics of mathematics, Greek, Latin, Hebrew, and Astrology. After Peyrot de Nostradamus death Nostradamus moved back in with his parents, Jacques and Reynire. It is thought that his other grandfather took over his education for a while, but the family decided to send Nostradamus to Avignon, which at that period was the center of Renaissance learning.At Avignon, Nostradamus spent many hours at University libraries. Nostradamus biggest interest was astrology. His interest in astrology began to worry his parents, and by the advice of his grandfather he was sent to the University of Montpellier to study medicine. The University of Montpellier was regarded as second only to that of Paris in all of France. Nostradamus arrived there in 1522 at nineteen years of age. In three years he studied all the subjects needed for his bachelors degree. He was tutored by some of the finest doctors in Europe. The process of getting a degree was far more arduous than in the present day, and lasted much longer. A successful candidate was given his license to practice by the bishop of Montpellier. Nostradamus achieved this in 1525. Nostradamus left the University and acquired a great reputation as a doctor by treating victims of the plague that ravaged that part of Europe, he would return later to get his doctorate. He was widely known for his use of his own formulas and prescriptions. He was recorded as being very successful. He made his medicines according to the patient; the richer the patient, the more expensive the ingredients were. One of Nostradamus medicines used for tooth decay consisted of the following, it was not at all unusual for the time:300-400 red roses, picked before dawn. 1oz. Sawdust from green fresh Cyprus. 6oz. Iris of Florence. 3oz. cloves. 3 drams sweet smelling calamus, tiger lily. 6 drams lignaloes. Pulverize the rose petals, in a mortar, mixed with a powder made from the above. Make the mixture in to lozenges , dry and keep enclosed, away from the air. Keep one in the mouth at all times. Nostradamus got married in 1547 to a woman named Anne Ponsarde Gemelle, a rich woman and a widow. Even though Nostradamus was Christian he had not always been that way, and the townspeople abused him as a Jew. His reputation decreased. It was around this time that he started writing books called Almanachs. The first one, which came out in 1550, had information on things like the weather and crops. Many of these things were wrong, but the book was a success. In 1555 Nostradamus completed a series of books of prophecies, each containing 100 predictions about the future. They were joined in a book for the first time in 1568, the book contained 1000 predictions. Nostradamus predicted a lot of things. The following are several:In prophecy number I.XXVI he says that in mid-day a great man, one that p romises change to the world will be struck and killed in front of thousands of people. This is thought to explain John F. Kennedys death. In prophecy number II.V Nostradamus predicts a third World War. He says a great country in the north will be struck by a great blast from the sky, plague and blood. Many will suffer. The books of prophecies are very interesting to read and are very accurate. Starting in 1561 a streak of prophecies became true and Nostradamus reputation grew so much that Jean Aymes de Chavigny the ex-mayor Beaunne, a city in France was quoted as saying People came to France and sought Nostradamus as the only thing to be seen. By the end of 1565 Nostradamus was seriously ill suffering from arthiritis and gout, a painfull swelling of the joints. On June 17, 1566 he wrote his will; a couple of days later he died. He lived 62 years, 6 months, 7 days. He was very old if you consider the fact that he lived in the 1500s when the life expectancy was around 43 years. When h e was 57 Chavigny described him as the following:He was a little under medium height, robust, nible, and vigorous. He had a large open forehead, a straight nose and gray eyes which were usually pleasant, but blazed when hewas angry. His cheeks were red even at his old age. He spoke little, but thought a great deal. He slept only four or five hours a night. I can remember his charity to the poortowards whom he was very generous. Nostradamus had a great life he had everything he wanted besides that fact that his family was killed by the plague and he was not able too help them. .ua2102b4b9b9a4ed138e52b5ddbefe24b , .ua2102b4b9b9a4ed138e52b5ddbefe24b .postImageUrl , .ua2102b4b9b9a4ed138e52b5ddbefe24b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua2102b4b9b9a4ed138e52b5ddbefe24b , .ua2102b4b9b9a4ed138e52b5ddbefe24b:hover , .ua2102b4b9b9a4ed138e52b5ddbefe24b:visited , .ua2102b4b9b9a4ed138e52b5ddbefe24b:active { border:0!important; } .ua2102b4b9b9a4ed138e52b5ddbefe24b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua2102b4b9b9a4ed138e52b5ddbefe24b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua2102b4b9b9a4ed138e52b5ddbefe24b:active , .ua2102b4b9b9a4ed138e52b5ddbefe24b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua2102b4b9b9a4ed138e52b5ddbefe24b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua2102b4b9b9a4ed138e52b5ddbefe24b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua2102b4b9b9a4ed138e52b5ddbefe24b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua2102b4b9b9a4ed138e52b5ddbefe24b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua2102b4b9b9a4ed138e52b5ddbefe24b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua2102b4b9b9a4ed138e52b5ddbefe24b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua2102b4b9b9a4ed138e52b5ddbefe24b .ua2102b4b9b9a4ed138e52b5ddbefe24b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua2102b4b9b9a4ed138e52b5ddbefe24b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Tyler Larsen Essay
Friday, November 29, 2019
Dejah Purnell Essays (560 words) - , Term Papers
Dejah Purnell Professor McKinley English 101 December 3, 2017 Course Final This year English 101class has been more helpful than my last year class . English has always been my hardest subject even though my final grade may not be the best I have learned and understood my work better for example, last year we went over rhetorical analyzes I honestly did not understand anything, my professor last year did not take her time to help her students. The most challenging part of this course was the annotated biography. I did not understand the format of the paper I also did not put a lot of time into it and this was a huge effect. I really like when we gave our papers to different people and they proof read it and gave advice. I highly recommend classmate proof reading more often! In the begging of class, we were giving a syllabus it was helpful I put most of the due dates in my phone, I love how the class did not have a book or a n access code. I personally believe why pay 200 or more on a book that we will only use for a week or 4 months. My strength in papers are the format including the web cited, research and editing/proof reading. I feel like I do ok with the work cited if I keep the mla paper next to me to look over the steps. When it is time to search for research I have an easy time but when I had to use the KCC data base I had a hard time finding the correct words to find a scholarly journal. When it is time to type my paper, I have a tough time transferring my paragraphs, sometimes I would get really stuck and will stay in one area for a day or more. I do feel like I am a good proof reader and editor but only for other people paper. When it comes to my paper I would have the hardest time finding my errors. My weakness would be my grammar. I always had a challenging time with my grammar I wish I can take a class that will reteach you the very basic of English, that class will help me out a lot. Supporting my claims is another weakness. I would have a great idea or sentence but would have the worst time trying to explain my thoughts into a sentence, I also would not have enough information to help state my claim. I believe professor McKinley did an amazing job she really cares about her students and related to us in a lot of ways outside of school. She also explains her assignments well and I will always remember my buns and farts. My advice for student next semester would just be don't wait to the last minute, it gets difficult after a while, and if you have any questions just ask if you do not ask you will not understand the assignment well and you will have a very stressful time trying to complete it. This year has been a good and challenging one but if you truly want to succeed you will make it though, it might not be the best, but you have accomplished something and to me that is better than quitting.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Language and Lexicon
Language and Lexicon Free Online Research Papers When people think of language they think of the meaning of different languages such as English, Spanish, or French. It is not very often that the actual meaning of language is though of. In detail language has a very complex definition and meaning. This paper will examine the meaning and actual content of the English word language and lexicon and will also discuss the features and levels of language and discuss how language affects cognitive psychology. Language and Lexicon The main purpose of language is to provide a means of communication (Willingham, 2007) from species to species and interspecies. Language is the way people are able to verbally express their feelings, needs, desires, complaints, questions, and so on. Language comes in many forms given the species and requirements of the species. Some people are able to verbally communicate and others are not, relying on sign language and other means of communication. Humans are able to communicate with other species through words, patterns, sound, and body movement, or sign language as well. Identifiable words used in language are stored in the lexicon; a mental dictionary (Willingham, 2007). A lexicon is a part of the memory that acts as a dictionary. When people hear words they are recognized in the lexicon. The lexicon stores components related to words such as; pronunciation, spelling, and a part of speech (Willingham, 2007). When people hear words the lexicon is able to recognize how the word is spelled, how it sounds, and understands speech factors. Definition of words is not housed in the lexicon. However, there is a pointer element of the lexicon that directs the word to another area that the definition is housed (Willingham, 2007). The lexicon has a close relationship with language and its functions. Language Features Aspects that make words and means of communication are distinct. Properties of language are arbitrary, structured, communicative, generative, and dynamic. When discussing language the relationship between a word and its meaning is arbitrary. Words are nothing more than sounds and sound patterns that people connect with meanings. Language is arbitrary because there is no specific reason words are related to objects other than what a culture appoints them to be (Willingham, 2007). The relationship between words and their meaning are arbitrary; however, language is not. Language is structured. To think of language as a whole, and not just the specific words, it must have a pattern or a structure. Meaning, words must be arranged in context appropriately to efficiently be able to communicate language. Though words are arbitrary in themselves, to be part of a language they must be used in appropriate context. This is the structure of language. It would not make sense to place words anywhere in a sentence, out of context; they must be used in the pattern that the culture has established to be able to communicate effectively. They are appointed; however, as a means of communication (Willingham, 2007). The main reason people deem words to objects is to have a means of communication. To be able to communicate amongst other humans and species a language must be established. If words were not appointed to meanings communication would be based solely on body language or sign language; much like the images portrayed by cavemen. Therefore a language is communicative. However, some aspects of language are not restricted (Willingham, 2007). There are no limits to the number of meanings a word can have. Words are a sector of language that is generative. Meaning, any word can have the same phonologic tone, pattern, and sound but have different meanings. The surrounding contents of a sentence indicate the appropriate meaning to a word. Language can be complicated, it is arbitrary, and it is not arbitrary, it must be structured, and some components are not structured; one stable function is that it is ever-changing (Willingham, 2007). Language changes as evolution revolves and meanings of its functions change. One may have noticed that a specific phrase may have had a different meaning twenty years ago then it does today. This is meant, at the present time, to be dynamic. When something is dynamic it is always subject to change (Willingham, 2007). Levels of Language Language is broken down into different levels. One level of language leads to the next. The four levels of language are phonemes, words, sentences, and text. Phonemes are the lowest level of language. It is the part of language that delegates sound to parts of the words; such as the sounds of the alphabet. Each word has a sound as a whole word; but each word is compromised from many different sounds. In the English language words are composed from different words of the alphabet. Each sector of the word is either a letter or a vowel. Every letter and vowel of the alphabet have an individual sound; some letters and vowels have more than one sound. These sounds put together pronounce a word. It is the phonemes that make a word sound the way it does (Willingham, 2007). Each individual phoneme creates a word when put together. Words are the next level of language. Though words may have many different meanings and are arbitrary they do have specific rules. Different cultures have different rules for their words. Different uses of phonemes create many different sounds and are governed in cultural language (Willingham, 2007). It is appropriate for the next level of language to be sentences. As all the levels of language are connected, from the sound of each individual phoneme, to the combination of phonemes to form words, it makes sense that the combination of words would form sentences. Sentences are the constructs of words; though they are more complex than a single word or phoneme. Sentences, unlike words, are not arbitrary. The structure of the words must fit into a pattern so that the meanings of the words match the content of the sentence (Willingham, 2007). Like words must fit the context of a sentence, a sentence must fit the content of its paragraph. Often time’s single sentences alone can be complex to understand. Text is considered to be the meaning of many sentences put together to further elaborate on topics, and is the highest level of language. If a person spoke of a topic using many sentences that did not relate together others would not be able to understand the concept the he or she were trying to convey. All the aspects of language must fit together to be comprehensive. The phoneme must fit in the word, a word must fit in the sentence, and a sentence must fit into the text. If one of the levels did not coincide with the next the cognitive process would not be able to comprehend the meaning of the word, sentence, or text (Willingham, 2007). Language Processing in Cognitive Psychology It is clear that language has a large influence on the way a person thinks. When people think of ideas or problems the thoughts consist of the person’s native language. The very thought, which will be in a persons respective language, is nearly impossible to imagine without words or language. Many have debated if thought would be possible without language. Without language what would thoughts consist of? A perspective by Benjamin Whorf, known as the Whorfian hypothesis, explains that because of the strong bond between language and thought it would be nearly impossible to comprehend. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that if someone had words of a foreign language in their thoughts it would be impossible to tie the thoughts to anything relevant. People may be able to pronounce a word in a foreign language but without knowledge of what the words meant the cognitive process would not be able to comprehend the words. Conclusion When language is broken down and each aspect is analyzed it is very clear how complex language really is. Language consists of many components from the sound of phonemes to the sound of the words to the meaning of a combination of sentences in a text. Language can be thought of as the heart of communication. Without language communication would be so complex that the cognitive process would never be able to comprehend meanings. Reference Willingham, D. T. (2007). Cognition: The thinking animal (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Allyn Bacon. 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Friday, November 22, 2019
Harley Davidson Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Harley Davidson Company - Essay Example A value chain analysis is the analysis of the activities that take place in this company that gives it a competitive advantage over those in the same industry. Michael Porter identified that all companies have primary and support activities that help in developing their core competencies in the industry. This analysis is a useful tool for defining a firm’s core competencies by identifying the cost advantage and differentiation. Cost advantage primary objective is comprehending costs and getting them from the value adding processes. There are several cost drivers related to the value chain processes, Harley Davidsons economies of scale, its capacity utilization, level of vertical integration, market entry timing, its geographic location and the firm’s policies regarding cost management. When these drivers of costs are properly managed, the company obtains a cost advantage over its competitors. Differentiation focuses on those related with core competencies that help the company attain an edge in performance. The uniqueness drivers for a company is made up of integration, location, interrelationships, scale and institutional factors. To achieve different degrees of differentiation, the company may amalgamate frontward, recede or implement novel technologies and use advanced delivery channels. SWOT Analysis Harley Davidson derives its strengths from the corporate culture, corporate resources and corporate structure. In their corporate culture, the company empowers their employees by building relationships for promoting stronger bonds between the top management and employees. The cooperate structure is composed of overlapping functions that embody the marketing and sales departments. The functional circle in the structure is named the Leadership and strategy council(LSC) Model. This circle facilitates decision making in the firm. The corporate resources are also a source of their strength and are represented by the marketing department, finance, resea rch and development, HRM department, operation and logistics and their information systems. Their strengths are derived from all these departments performing their roles in product offering. For example, the marketing department has created a niche in the market for those customers who have a preference for heavyweight motorcycles, their prices are affordable for customization as well as personalization of the bikes. They have opened business branches around the world, and the customer capacity is large. The human resource has empowered the workforce by motivation. Their weakness remains in the reality that it needs to upsurge its sale so that they can retain their market share in the U.S especially at this economic slump. Recently it has been losing the market share due to the failing economy. The research and development department needs to design environmental friendly motorcycles. The current society is empowered to conserve the environment and a lot of people want to buy produc ts that are friendly to their surroundings. Their information system did not use their systems properly to manufacture energy saving motorcycles. From the weaknesses lies the opportunities for the company to identify and formulate strategies that will help it achieve a competitive edge against the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Discussion Questions Week 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Discussion Questions Week 5 - Essay Example Thus, in order to evaluate whether the quality of the product (which is often equated with the chemical content, presentation, and packaging) is met, knowledge of the statistical concepts and their application is crucial. I must admit that without attending this class, I will remain ignorant of the use of statistics in addressing the concerns. Equipped with the knowledge and skill taught by my professor, I am confident to use the methods in ensuring that our meat processing plant will be successful in marketing high quality products by an everyday evaluation of whether quality goals are met. Regression analysis is a important statistical tool which is used to identify the relationship between variables. In conducting regression analysis, one needs to be aware of its basic principles and considerations. First, the sample from where the inference prediction is to be generated must be a representative of the population. It should be noted that this assumption is almost always a requirement for statistical tests. Secondly, the dependent variable is subject to error which is assumed to be a random variable having a standard distribution. On the other hand, the independent variable is error free and the predictors should be linearly correlated. In the meat processing plant where I work, regression analysis can be utilized in order for the management to know the relationship between the group of employees working for the meat processing plant and product quality. It should be noted that in my company there are two groups manning the 12-hour operation. Each of these groups takes 6 hours which is the amount of time needed for one batch of processing. Product of quality can be measured through the number of rejects and those which did not pass quality control. This regression analysis can point out if any of the group performs better and can help the management to reward and motivate
Monday, November 18, 2019
Edouard Manet Meet the Artist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Edouard Manet Meet the Artist - Essay Example He was a critical figure in the evolution from Realism to Impressionism. His style of art greatly portrayed a contemporary ethos which showcased his interest in the various art paintings he exhibited. His initial masterpieces would later function as key inspiration for various painters in the future. Most of his paintings served as edifying points for the fledgling painters who were aspiring to craft Impressionism. Some examples of his exceptional paintings are the Olympia and Luncheon on the Grass. These two paintings spurred great debate and criticism since it was argued that the canvases lacked moral belief. During his time, the Paris Salon, which was a major exhibition center, rejected his submission of the art due to his eccentric painting style during that particular era. Even though he had prior submitted multiple art works to the Salon, some of which earned the Salon’s worthy mention. His choice for the modern portraits was a high target for public criticism. Following the rejection of approximately 4000 paintings by Paris Salon in 1863, King Napoleon III ordered the establishment of a Salon des Refusà ©s (Salon of the Rejected), aimed at exhibiting the rejected paintings. Manet most of his rejected paintings at this exhibition and later moved on to Spain and build a pavilion using his inheritance to aid in promoting his art contemporary art.Â
Saturday, November 16, 2019
History of Colour in Art
History of Colour in Art The use of colour in history has gone through a long story. It has been used because of its ability in altering mood and atmosphere, and also because of its symbolic meanings. The earliest known usage of colour in interior space started when man drew on walls of caves and tombs, which continues with the application on cathedrals, palaces, and ordinary homes. History of colour The usage of colour has been involved in the architectural development in ancient Egypt and Greeks. It has been used mostly because of the association of colour with certain symbolism in the cultures. Ancient Egypt, one of the most documented civilizations, used paintings on walls and ceilings in order to tell the story of their civilization, from daily life to battle scenes. Earth pigments are used in creating these paintings red, yellow ochre, also green, blue, purple, black, white, and gray. Each colour is used to symbolise certain criterias, for example red ocher for skin colour of men, while yellow is used for the women. While in the Greek history, the Palace of Knossos, is a distinct example of the use of colour in its architecture. The most outstanding feature in the building is its large red and black columns. Palace of Knossos, Greece Colour has been widely used in the past, but this tradition doesnt always go well along the development in architecture. The Lost of Colour Being used and developed throughout the early civilization, colour arrived at a point times when its use is being ignored. The situation is caused by several reasons, such as the perception of whiteness, and how this idea is strengthen by the emergence of the Modern Movement and International Style, who preferred the natural colour of the materials, and later on the idea of black, white, and gray in Minimalism. These movements has changed peoples perception of colour and therefore resulting avoidance in its application. Whiteness Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Bible The colour white, through various cultures, has been associated with perfection, innocence, and cleanliness. Colour, on the other hand, is perceived as the opposite of whiteness, which is dirtiness and the less-than-true. The word colour, which is colorem in Latin, is related to celare, means to hide or conceal. In Middle English to colour means to disguise. The Modern Movement, International Style and Minimalism Rejection of colour, partly is also formed by the influence of Modern Movement and International Style, which often termed their works as minimal. In this period, light and neutral tones are preferred in the space. White is the most dominant colour because it allows colours and light in the surrounding reflects into the space and that it is felt as natural colour. Colour, on the other hand, is being avoided because it makes a striking contrast with the surrounding. Even in times when it is used, colour is still artificially applied and the majority of the surfaces is white.The famous people in this period are Mies van der Rohe and Walter Gropius. Their works, reflecting the idea of Modern Movement, shows restraint use of colour. Instead of using colours, they use the genuine colour and texture from the materials used, such as steel, glass, concrete, masonry, and stone, which dominates their works. Minimalism, another architectural style, is also much associated with the use of white. The term minimalism is applied to works showing reduction in forms, usually created with flat surfaces that reflect a simple and tranquil atmosphere. White colour is chosen as the most dominant colour, since it is seen as colour with pure, smooth, and serene quality, and therefore goes along with the idea of calmness and tranquillity in minimalism. Samuel Wagstaff, an art curator, mentioned that this new aesthetics in black, white, and gray, is aimed to keep the viewer from being biased by the emotionalism of colour. So, white colour, along with black and gray are preferred to be used here. Chromophobia The perception of white and the modern art movement influence has a causal relation to what David Batchelor mentioned as chromophobia. Chromophobia, based on David Batchelor, is defined as a fear of corruption or contamination through colour. He mentioned that chromophobia manifests itself in the many and varied attempts to purge colour from culture, to devalue colour, to diminish its significance, to deny its complexity . ( Batchelor, David, 2000) The rejection of colour happens in two ways. First, colour is made out of foreign body- usually the feminine, the vulgar, .In this case, colour is treated as something foreign, something alien'( Batchelor, David, 2000 ) so that it is considered dangerous. Charles Blanc, a colour theorist, identified colour with the feminine in art and as something that cannot be detached from life. Not just that, he even consider colour as a permanent internal threat. Therefore, he came up with the idea of either completely ignoring colour or controlling it, in order to preventing it from ruining everything. Charles Blanc is not the only chromophobic. The idea of fear of colour has also swept the society and therefore had its impact to architectural design. A few cases of the rejection of colour in the past have been experienced by architects. It happened to Belgian architect Huib Hoste, who throughout his career has been experimenting with colours in his works. One of his works, the Zwart Huis ( Black House ), which is created for Raymond de Beir Knokke in 1924 is painted deep black and partly red for its walls. Complains came from the neighbours who felt uncomfortable by the too-striking-colours and on how it broke the harmony within the surrounding environment. In 2001, a similar problem occured with the work by MVRDV. Designing an entire orange office building in a courtyard in Amsterdam, provoked dissapproval from the neighbours who felt annoyed with the orange glow that forced its way to the surrounding homes. Everything around you is orange you didnt ask for it, you didnt want i t, but you cant do anything about it, they said. (Colour in Contemporary Architecture, 2009) According to David Batchelor, the word chromophobia, other than defining colour as dangerous, is also used for the idea of colour as something superficial, supplementary, and as a secondary quality of experience, which leads to lack of consideration in its usage. This had happened even in ancient times, when Vitruvius complained that buildings were painted without considering its relation with the architectural form, which means there was not much consideration put in the thought process therefore resulting an unsatisfying project. Rejection for colour has become a serious problem and therefore cause the lost of colour. THESIS STATEMENT : Colour once is considered as an afterthought, that it ends up as decorative elements. It also has been considered dangerous. But considering the ability of colour in changing perception and mood, there might be a chance to create a more emotive architecture than those without colour. So, should we re-examine the role of colour in architecture? BODY Colour in Architecture The impulse of using colour in architecture emerged in 1920s, inspired by paintings. Three architects who were known to use colour in their works in this period are Le Corbusier, Theo van Doesburg, and Bruno Taut, but each architect has different approach in applying colour in their works. Theo van Doesburg, is the member of De Stijl Movement, an important accomplishment in applying colour in architecture. Other movements using colour as their conceptual design basis are Constructivism and Expressionism. In De Stijl, colour is considered as an important element and is developed as a tool in creating a new spatial experience. The goal of the movement is to achieve an ideal future where walls that separate men would be broken down. The architects of De Stijl believe that the three-dimensional properties of mass and volume is against the goal of the movement, and in order to achieve their goal, these characteristics must be broken down by using colours. The method they used is to place colour planes on corners and boundaries, resulting a change in the volume of space. Here, colours were used not just as mere decoration, but it also plays an important part in altering the visual experience of the user spatially. However, Le Corbusier called van Doesburg application on colour as camouflage architectural and disagreed with the use of colour to weakens the physical space or to conceal its actual spatial proportions. Villa la Roche, Le Corbusier Opposing the idea, in his work, Le Corbusier coloured the entire wall surfaces to make them an individual elements, so that it would not disturb the spatial effect of the architecture. These coloured walls were used as an intervention against the mostly painted white spaces in the building. The colours here, as Batchelor commented, was used by Le Corbusier to make his architecture even more white. Having a different approach with his two fellows architects, Bruno Tauts intention was to use colour as an agent of social reform. His goal was to create various identities in a large housing estates, where people from overcrowded flats in the backyard of Berlin will be the occupants of the building. (Komossa, Susanne, 2009) Although the myth of white appeared not long after these colour methods were being used, architects such as Louis Barragan emerged into practice and back with the idea of colour as an essential element, opposing the idea of colour as decorations. His choice of colours mostly reflects the colours of Mexican culture. Through his works, Barragan proved how the use of colours are able to evoke dreamlike and surreal atmosphere. Another renowned colour architect is Ricardo Legorreta. Inspired by the 20th century mural paintings, Legorreta uses many bright colours in his works and proves that colours can emphasize shapes and deny mass of the buildings. From time to time, along with the gradual loss of Modern Movement influence, colour slowly made its way back to architectural design. Herzog de Meuron, for example, coloured their first house in Basle suburb with blue layer that engages the viewer. Looking at how colours are being considered more deeply in architecture nowadays, and how it is constantly being moved away from the idea of a mere decoration to elements that can alter perception of the viewer, the use of colour has achieved a different state than it used to be. And in this sense, just as mentioned by Rem Koolhas, the future of colour is looking bright. Visible Space: Seeing Colour 1.1 Perception of Space Perception is a critical connection between human and their surrounding environment. It can also refer to a more complicated and higher level of thinking process. Perception enables human beings to decide what has been sensed and analyze that sensation. Beside digesting the information received from the sensors, perception also acts as a filter that classify important and useful information. In architectural design, whose works mainly is about the creation of space, perception of space is nevertheless important. In order to perceive the space, one must firstly sense the space. To sense a space is to become aware of own self existence in the space and therefore one is able to distinguish between the self and the surrounding. This can be done using human senses, which are hearing, seeing, smell, taste, and touch. But as we always hear, Seeing is believing, visual perception is very important in shaping perception of space. Here, colour takes a major role. 1.2 The eye and the colour Take a good look round and youll see that everything is coloured. K. Schippers Colour, dissolving perfectly in our life, may seem as a very normal experience. But it actually is a very important aspect in our vision because it plays a big part in shaping our visual perception. So what is colour? Colour, in physics and optics, are defined as component parts of light. Being able to see colour enables human see many more different things under the light, comparing to what might possibly be seen in only shades of gray ( known as monochromatic vision). Some animals, such as dogs, dont experience colour vision. This condition cause they can only spot other creatures, for example rabbits, only if it moves. The experience of seeing colour will not be possible if not because of the assistance of light in our vision. Our eyes perceive differences in light frequencies just as how we perceive differences in sound frequencies with our ears. While differences in sound frequencies enable us to hear different pitch, differences in light frequencies enable us to see different colour. The colour field that human perceive ranges from the longest visible wavelength (red) to the shortest visible wavelength (violet). Light, in various wavelength and brightness, enters our eyes through a transparent outer covering, called the cornea. The received light then will be focused on the back of the surface of the eye. The back of the eye is covered by the retina, which contain many layers of cells. The layer which is important in colour vision consist two receptors called rods and cones. Rods enable us to see black and white visions in dim light, while cones enable us to see hues under brighter lighting condition. Hence, through these series of mechanisms, we are able to see colour. Colour and Light Architecture is light. It is because of light, architecture can be seen. In its relation with colour, light always assists colour enabling it to be seen. Both colour and light are important aspects in creating perception in architecture. Light, enabling colour to be seen, determines the experience of the colour perceived. The condition of light and the changes it made; its direction, form, colour, and its arrangement; has a potential to create various colour perception. Considering the possibility of changes in perceiving colour based on the lighting condition, various kinds of atmosphere might be created. Both natural and artificial lighting is able to be used in assisting colour in the space. The perception of colour under the sunlight can vary depends on the atmospheric condition. The direction of the sunlight has to be considered in order to create a desirable colour perceived in space. Direct sunlight can make surfaces appear lighter, while the indirect sunlight will cause less dramatic shadow casting. Since the sun moves throughout the day, different kinds of light will be experienced. Different lights will reflect colour differently, resulting the same colour might be perceived differently during different time of the day. An observation of how light affects the colour perceived has been done by the French Impressionist, Claude Monet, in creating his works. In order to find the visual truth, Monet often painted the exact same scenes, such as haystacks and cathedral face, under different lighting condition. Once, he rented a room opposite Rouen Cathedral and spent months there painting the cathedral in different times of the day. It appeared that in full midday sunlight , the facade of the building is washed with gold colour and a slight blue shadow. While at sunset, the surface is coloured pale bluish pink, with lots of oranges and reds in the buildings recesses. Colour and Atmosphere: Towards Emotive Architecture Colour Deceives The usage of colour is often associated with its ability in creating illusion. Based on Joseph Albers book, Interaction of Colour, colour in visual perception is always never seen as it really is in reality, which is why he mentioned, In order to use colour effectively it is necessary to recognise that colour deceives continually The ability of colour in deceiving the viewer resulting two kinds of conditions the actual and the factual. The actual is the space which is perceived by the viewer, while the factual is the physical space bordered by walls in reality. The ability of colour to change spatial perception is also written in Ittens analysis, Among cold and warm tones of equal brilliance, the warm will advance and the cold retreat. By recognizing the potential of colour in terms of altering perception of space through vision of the viewers, colour has vast opportunities in being used as the resource in creating space. Colour Affects: Physiology and Psychology Colour is known as an expressive element and can be used to generate emotional response. Studies on how colour can change peoples emotion has been conducted by people. Bright colours ( warm hues ) fit well for spaces requiring lots of activities and mental alertness, therefore these colours are often being used in school environments. While on the other hand, cooler hues tend to calm people. In his book Concerning the Spiritual in Art, Kandinsky did analysis on the sensory effects in colour. He found that bright and warm colours attract greater attention and the visual emotion created by these tones generates physical effect that touches the soul. Realizing the potential of colour in altering emotion, people used it as a tool in healing. Chromo therapy, or colour therapy, is the practice of using coloured light and colour in the environment to cure specific illness and in general to bring about beneficial health effect ( Hope and Walch, 1990, p.75). The study on chromo therapy is based on the discovery of how our bodies, acting like prisms, absorb white light and other colours, too. The therapy involves the use of natural light that is filtered through a certain colour of glass. For example, patient with migraine will be treated with sunlight filtered through blue glass, and depression can be treated with red light. Emotive Architecture Emotive architecture, is usually defined as buildings and spaces that is purposefully built to provoke emotional response from the users. The idea came up from the feeling of too functional architecture in the 20th century, which created the space with much logic and utility. Case Study Luis Barragan In my activity as an architect, colour and light have always been a crucially important constant. Both are basic elements in the creation of an architectural space. Luis Barragan Luis Barragan learned much from the work of Itten who is devoted to the laws of harmony, contrast, and the spatial effect of colours. In his works, Barragan treated colour the same way as other architectural components and he bravely experiments and utilizes its ability in generating sensations in the space. His works on The Gilardi House, dwelling of Francisco Gilardi, showed a skillful consideration in assisting colour with light in the space. The method of the colour used here, such as achieving brighter or softer hues through direct and indirect lighting, using coloured glass to create chromatic ambience, has been experimented in his earlier works. In the dwelling, Barragan continued his experiment in utilizing white light in the space and how it landed on the coloured vertical sections. A yellow-painted corridor is placed nearby the entrance in order to prepare the journey to an important space. Walking down the corridor, the visitor is faced with a radiating blue space. The contrast between the warm and cool colour is aimed to arrest the visitors vision. The visitor then comes out into the space with pool which is surrounded by three primary colours; blue, red, yellow. The whole composition of this space is supported by the coloured surfaces around the pool and the reflections created by the water. Steven Holl Famous for his method of utilizing light in the space, Steven Holl is also do a lot of experimentations on its relation with colour. In his work The Chapel of St, Ignatius, for example, Steven Holl used the idea of treating the space like seven bottles of light. Each bottle is pierced with light which define each spaces inside the building with coloured light.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Dylan Thomas :: essays research papers
Thomas’ Dying Light Dylan Marlais Thomas was born in Swansea, Wales on October 27, 1914. After leaving school, he worked briefly as a junior reporter on the South Wales Evening Post. In November of 1923 he moved to London and in December of that he published his first book, Eighteen Poems. In April 1936 he met his future wife, Caitlin Macnamara. In September 1936, his second volume of poetry, Twenty-five Poems, was released. In July 1937 Dylan and Caitlin were married and in the following year they moved to Laugharne, Wales. Their first child, Llewlyn Edouard Thomas was born in January 1939. The Map of Love, soon to be the title of a major film, was published in August and The World I Breathe was released in December.(Bookshelf ’98) In April of 1940 Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog was published and in September Dylan began working for Strand Films, Inc. He remained with Strand through the conclusion of the Second World War. His second child Aeronwy, Byrn Thomas was born in March of 1943. Deaths and Entrances was released in 1946. Three years later his child, Colm Garan Hart Thomas, was born. In 1952 his final volume, Collected Poems, was published. In addition to the work previously mentioned, he also published many short stories, wrote filmscripts, broadcast stories, did a series lecture tours in the United States and wrote Under Milkwood, his famous play for voices.(Bookshelf ’98) During his fourth lecture tour of the United States in 1953, he collapsed in his New York hotel. He was but a few days past his 39th birthday. He died on Noovenber 9th, 1953 at St. Vincents Hospital, New York. His alcoholism was legendary and no doubt played a significant role in his demise. His Body was sent back to Laugharne, Wales, where his grave is marked by a simple wooden cross- the way he would have seen fit. In July 1994 his wife, Caitlin, died in Italy. She had spent most of her years there since his death.(Bookshelf ’98) Thomas, one of the best known poets of the mid-twentieth century, is remembered for his highly original, obscure poems, his amusing prose tales and plays, and his turbulent, highly-publicized personal life. He was widely recognized for his powerful poetry readings of BBC radio. He became a very popular public figure. Thomas was a man with a very Keatsian style and manner.
Monday, November 11, 2019
An Economic report of Manchester Essay
Employment Performance Which sectors does Manchester outperform the UK. Education it outperforms the UK it’s the second largest city In the UK its normal to expect it to spend more on education due to its high population. Interestingly professional Scientific and technical activities outperform the UK. A new economy has been put in place a smarterEconomy based on tertiary sectors moving away from its manufacturing past. 2023 its estimating employment in The above sector will rise around 130,000 for the greater Manchester region. Accommodation and food service Activities outperforming the UK is expected also as it’s the second most visited city in England and 3rd in the UK. Sectors which do poorly manufacturing once the cotton producing capital of the world now this industry is all but Extinct. Information and communication is behind the UK average this is surprising as recently media city has been opened in Manchester ITV, BBC and SIS are based there. Madchester Today It’s important not to underestimate the effect cities music or sports scene has, many people would recognise Liverpool ahead of a more economically significant city like Birmingham due to The Beatles. Manchester became the music capital of England in the 80s and continued onwards in the 90’s. Manchester United is the most supported club in the world. Forbes lists it as the second most valuable club behind Real Madrid. The soul of the city based on sports with heavy music influences. One effect is the number of young people who want to live there. Young people want to live and study in a vibrant city; Manchester University and MMU are ranked 1 & 2 in number of applicants for degree courses. There are 3 universities with 87776 students making it one of the most popular cities to study. Below you can see it has the 4th lowest house prices and 3rd highest wages in the UK. This makes it an incredible desirable location to live. In 2001 it was the 21st most vibrant city in the UK today it now number one making it the most vibrant city in the UK surpassing London. There is a large number of young residents, cheap housing and high wages helping organic growth. The location quotients show that the sectors with relative high levels of employment are all mostly in high end sectors, or hotels and similar accommodation which bring in revenue to the local economy. The sectors all bring in wealth so this is a good sign for Manchester’s growth for the future. North West Rivalry â€Å"It’s not just about two clubs, it’s about two cities, two unbelievable histories, two clubs that both think they are the biggest in the world, so there is a lot of ego at stake.†Lee Sharpe. There is a huge rivalry from the two cities of Liverpool and Manchester. Modern day rivalry has been mostly seen on the football field but it’s not always been the case. Historically the two cities thrived in the industrial revolution. The rivalry was ignited when Manchester decided to build a ship canal the largest in the world at that time. This meant Manchester no longer had to pay dues to Liverpool in order to use their port. Now the rivalry has died down as Manchester surpassed its economically and in sporting terms many years ago. Unemployment graph to the right shows how Liverpool’s unemployment has been higher in modern times. There has been a bit of convergence in recession times but Manchester still leads the way economically. Conclusion From this report you can see how Manchester’s economy evolved with technological advances. A thriving industrial city from the industrial revolution evolved unlike other industrial cities. It has a modern advanced economy it has become the most important city in the North-West economically. The sectors which thrive are high end sectors which generate a lot of revenue as shown in the location quotients on the previous page. It has a rich history musically and sporting, now it is the 2nd most visited city in England. This means the tourist industry thrives bringing in revenue from the other regions or nations. This has helped ease the recessions damage, from 2010 GVA has been increasing annually from 2010. The cities soul appears to be music and sporting orientated, the old mills and print works have been redeveloped it still retains remnants of its old industrial past. This is a city which is improving year after year, whether it is economic growth or quality of life. The city has a high standard of living voted most vibrant city in the UK climbing 20 places in 12 years.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Hermaphrodite Essays - Gender Studies, Gender, Intersex, Free Essays
Hermaphrodite Essays - Gender Studies, Gender, Intersex, Free Essays Hermaphrodite Intro to Women's Studies Wsp 101 What is a hermaphrodite? The definition that Suzanne Kessler, The writer of Lessons from the Intersexed, gives us is that a true hermaphrodite is where a baby has either testes or ovaries, but the genitals are indistinct. This birth defect has been happening to a small percentage of babies throughout history ( ). A lot of Kessler's essay deals with the interviewing of six medical experts in the field of pediatric intersexuality. They supply the reader with plenty of information on the topic of intersexuality and babies born with ambiguous genitals. Kessler also supplies us with a great deal of information on the process parents have to go through with the diagnosis and the waiting period between knowing whether or not the baby is going to be a boy or girl. In Judith Lorber's essay, Night to His Day: The Social Construction of Gender, she talks about gender and what a man or a women have to do to that is required in their specific gender. Both these essays deal with the idea of choosi ng what sex a child is going to be based on their ambiguous genitals and how their gender will affect them in the society. There are three factors that in this present time that deal with the intersex condition. Two specialists, John Money and Anke A. Ehrhardt, constructed a theory saying that gender identity can be manipulated up to eighteen months of age ( ). People who have been born into the intersex condition, nowadays, have many options to choose from on how to fix the so called problem ( ). Since technology advances everyday, there have been newly discovered ways to perform the surgery to repair the genitals ( ). Feminism also plays a part in the intersex condition. Now, feminists say that if a person has the presence or absence of gonads, it is no longer the only decisive factor for that gender he or she is in ( ). To continue, if a baby is born with ambiguous genitals, then it needs to be assigned a gender as quickly as possible ( ). I agree with that statement because I have a family friend that had to go through the same ordeal and she had to hide the fact that her newborn wasn't assigned a ge nder yet. That is sometimes hard for people to deal with because they want to know whether their baby is a boy or girl. The doctors play a huge role in the choosing of the baby's gender. The parents depend on the doctor for insight on everything because the doctor is the expert. If the doctor doesn't have a quick and comforting answer to the parents question, Is it a boy or a girl? then the parents may feel uncertain and very upset. Therefore the doctor needs to be decisive and unambiguous, so that the parents are settled, their credibility is not questioned and they help keep Money and Ehrhardt's theory valid ( ). I also think that this is a necessity, because its hard enough hearing that your child is neither fully male nor fully female, but if the doctor doesn't know how to deal with it, then who do the parents turn to. If I were in that position, I too would be going crazy, trying to figure out what to do about my child. Its like thinking, Do I want a male or a female child? I would need some assistance in that choice. Keller discusses some things doctors should have not said in post delivery. For example, You have a little boy, but he'll never function as a little boy, so you better raise him as a little girl, ( ). What do the parents say to the family and friends during the time the infant is getting surgery? One of the doctor's told one of the stories she heard, saying that the parents lied and told everyone they had twins, then when they found out the baby's gender, they had told everyone that the other twin had dies ( ). As I was reading this, I had also thought that if I were in that position I would probably do
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Aflatoxins Essays
Aflatoxins Essays Aflatoxins Essay Aflatoxins Essay Drumhead Aflatoxins are extremely toxic fungal metabolites found in human and carnal nutrients. Aflatoxin B1 is the most carcinogenic and mutagenic metabolite nowadays in animate being, feedstuff and alterations to Aflatoxin M1 in milk. Aflatoxin M1 has a considerable hygienic hazard for human wellness. Previous researches have been shown different attacks for decontamination of this metabolite. Removal of Aflatoxin M1 by chemical, physical and biological methods has been studied. In old surveies, some species of Fungis and bacteriums have been demonstrated to degrade or adhere the Aflatoxin M1 in liquid media. In this research, two species of Lactic Acid Bacteria ( LAB ) are used. Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus have the of import function in yoghurt production and agitation. In this survey, adhering activities of these two strains will be assessed in milk and yogurt and binding degrees of strains will be compared with each other. Besides, the degra ding ability in milk and yogurt will be considered and compared. Then the treatment will be made that which type of merchandise has been shown more binding ability and analyzing the chief factors and chief grounds that will be done for the achieved consequences. Description of scientific aim Mycotoxins are the secondary toxic metabolite of Fungis, produced in the terminal of logarithmic growing stage. Production of mycotoxins depends on handiness of sufficient and suited of indispensable foods for growing, suited environment such as the specific humidness, temperature, PH, and the presence of toxigenic molds. They affect on the undermentioned factors: growing rate in immature animate beings and babies, interfere in mechanism of organic structure, fondness on immunological system and cause reactivity ( Pier, 1981 ) . Higher degree of these factors leads to decease by damaging the kidney and liver ( Hayes, 1980 and Dvorackova, 1990 ) . Harmonizing to the Food and Agriculture Organization ( FAO ) ,25 % of the universe s harvest contaminated by mycotoxins ( Giessen, 1998 ) . Aflatoxins are one of the chief groups of mycotoxins. They have extremely toxic, mutagenic, carcinogenic, teratogenic and immunosuperssive effects on assorted carnal species and homo. They are produced by three strains of fungi Aspergillus flavus, A.parasiticus and A.nominus. Aflatoxin s best temperature for growing is between 12oc- 40oc ( Koehler et al. , 1985 ) . Four types of toxins have been found in these metabolites which are divided in two groups B ( B1, B2 ) and G ( G1, G2 ) . Aflatoxin B1 has the inveterate toxic effects on mammals produced by A.flavus and A.parasiticus ( Palmgreen and Hayes 1987 ) . Aflatoxin B1 is normally found in carnal grocery and taint occur during harvest home, storage, processing, transporting and silage. Corn, peanuts, cottonseed and rice are the chief harvests contain the high degree of Aflatoxins. Aflatoxin M1 ( AFM1 ) is the hydorxylated metabolite of Aflatoxin B1 in the milk. This metabolite was foremost detected in cow milk. It had been fed the contaminated maize and peanut by Aflatoxin B1. There is a relationship between the sum of AFM1 in the milk and ingestion of contaminated grocery by AFB1 ( Sassahara et al. , 2005 ) . After consumption and digestion of AFB1 by ruminant, it is synthesized to AFM1 in the milk. Metabolizing of AFM1 occur in animate being s liver ( Frobish et al. , 1988. , Van Egmond and Paulsch, . 1986 ) . Previous studied have been estimated that about 0.3- 6.2 % of AFB1 in animate being s ration convert to AFM1 in milk ( Creppy, 2002 ) . AFB1 transition to AFM1 includes four stairss. The carcinogenic authority and toxicity of aflatoxin M1 is 10 times less than aflatoxin B1 but the acutely hepatotoxic is same as AFB1 ( Cullen et al. , 1987 and Lafont et al. , 1989 ) . The European Commission ( EC ) has accepted a bound of 50 ng/l for AFM1 for milk ( European Commission, 2001 ) while the US nutrient and Drug Administration ( US FDA, 1 996 ) has recommended the maximal degree of 500 ng/l for AFM1 in milk. In existent fact, taint of milk and milk merchandises by AFM1 depends on several environmental factors such as season, geographics, state. The degree of AFM1 in dairy merchandises is variable between hot and cold conditions. In spring and summer, animate beings are fed by grass, grazing land, weed while in winter dressed ores used less than leafy vegetables. It causes a autumn in AFM1 degree ( Galvano et al. , 1996 ; Pitet, 1998 ; Sarimehmetoglu et al. , 2003 ) . In old surveies, AFM1 is non destroyed during the heat processes like pasteurization or alterations are non obvious ( Yousef and Marth, . 1989 ) . Besides, in yogurt and cheese production the pollution degree of AFM1 does non alter and remains stable. ( BARBIERI et al, 1994 ; CREPPY, 2002 ; GALVANO et al. , 1996 ; PITET, 1998 ) . Another survey has been confirmed 9 % of addition in AFM1 when the yogurt was produced from contaminated milk ( Van Egmond et al. , 1977 ) . The best manner to avoid the presence of AFM1 in dairy merchandises is to command the carnal grocery during crop, storage and maintain them in suited status to forestall AFB1 formation. Different methods and factors are available and have been tested before to detoxicate the aflatoxins from nutrient and provender stuffs. Three methods are common to utilize to degrade the degree of aflatoxins in nutrients and provenders. Chemical, mechanical and biological methods are applied to diminish the degree of taint in different types of nutrients. The FAO needs some conditions to accept the decontamination procedure. Any detoxification process must extinguish, demobilize or destruct toxins. Decontamination method should non bring forth any toxic in the concluding merchandises. These methods must take any fungous spores that could increase and bring forth new toxins. In physical detoxification, heat interventions, gumma radiation, UV or seeable visible radiation are applied. Chemical debasement is more practical and reasonable method. Sodium bisulphate Converts AFM1 to H2O soluble merchandise ( Doyle and Marth, . 1978, Hagler et al. , 1982 ) . Treatment with ammonium hydroxide, Ca hydrated oxide, methanal and clays are the chemical methods to cut down the hazard of aflatoxicosis. Some strains of lactic acid bacteriums ( LAB ) and barms have been reported to degrade of aflatoxins level in dairy merchandise ( El- Nezami et Al. , 1998 a ) . Work Plan In this research, the biological method will be applied to adhere the ability of AFM1 in milk and yoghurt. Two types of Lactic Acid Bacteria ( LAC ) , Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, will be used for this intent. Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus is used for yoghurt production and found in other fermented merchandises. This strain is regarded as acidophilous bacteria PH ( 4.6- 5.4 ) and unable to ferment any sugar except Lactose. During fermenting to yogurt, it produces ethanal that is one of the yoghurt olfactory property elements. Streptococcus thermophilus converts lactose to lactic acid and ethanal. It is counted as a probiotic. In add-on, this strain alleviates the symptoms of lactose intolerance. In this method, samples of assorted types of milk and yoghurt will be collected from different stores. Whole milk, semi-skimmed milk, skimmed milk, low fat yogurt and high fat yogurt are traveling to be used in this research. The research processes include, civilization readying, taint with AFM1 in PBS, milk taint with AFM1, yogurt taint with AFM1, statistical analysis and consequences. At first, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.Bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus is cultivated and incubated so these bacteriums are centrifuged and washed with buffer. The following measure is suspending bacterial pellets in PBS, which is contaminated with AFM1. Then the bacterial pellets is incubated and centrifuged. Extracting the unbound AFM1 will be done by Immunoaffinity Columns ( IAC ) method and the process will be completed harmonizing to R-biopharm GmbH recommendation. This method will be repeated in milk and yogurt samples. Again, prepared bacterial pellets will be suspended in contaminated milk or yogurt with AFM1. Removing the unbound AFM1 will be done by IAC method after the incubation and extractor of milk and yoghurt samples. The statistical analysis will be based on the discrepancy comparing. Differences between discrepancies show the difference between adhering sums of AFM1 in two medium of two bacteriums. ANOVA and DUNCAN trial are suggested analyses methods in this research. The most of import thing in this undertaking is showing the adhering ability of LAB. Which type of these two strains has a more binding ability in comparing of another one? In add-on, another mark of this undertaking is to place the binding ability of milk and yogurt. Which merchandises adhering capableness is much greater than other? Alternatively, does the sum of fat have any consequence on AFM1 debasement? All the consequences will be discussed. The biological and chemical environment of each merchandise must be considered. To happen out the chief ground several factors must be intended. For illustration, medium PH, available enzymes in the merchandise, agitation, types of protein in each merchandise, sum of fat and type of bacteriums. To accomplish the best determination, utilizing the old researches related to this topic is advised. After accurate probes and sing all facets of this research, the concluding decision will be suggested. Different methods are available to pull out the unbound AFM1 from supernatant. Thin Layer Chromatography ( TLC ) , High Performance Liquid Chromatography ( HPLC ) , Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay ( ELISA ) and Immunoaffinity Columns ( IAC ) . Immunoaffinity column is the most suited method for this research. This method purifies the substance from a mixture into a buffering solution, cut down the sum of substance in a mixture and purify and concentrate the enzyme solution. OBJECTIVES A ; GOALS The end of this undertaking is to diminish the degree of AFM1 in dairy merchandises with biological method to avoid the harmful consequence of this aflatoxin and suggest the new technique for this planetary job. The chief aims include: O Roll uping the samples O Fixing the LAB and AFM1 O Adding the LAB and AFM1 to supply samples O Detecting the unbound AFM1 with IAC method O Statistical analysis by ANOVA and DUNCAN trial O Geting the consequences To avoid prejudice in this undertaking some facets must be considered O Choosing the appropriate statistical trial O Sing the immaterial factors O Accuracy in sample collection O Applying sufficient volume and degree of used stuffs O Sing the truth of used equipments Timeline No Activities Date 1 Submit Grant Proposal December, 2009 2 Expected Grant Notification January, 2010 3 Provide Laboratory February, 2010 4 Obtain Materials and Equipments March, 2010 5 Project Start up April, 2010 6 Prepare Results Report June, 2010 7 Submit Project July, 2010 BENEFITS OF RESEARCH Aflatoxin M1 has been related with assorted diseases. It is diagnosed farm animal, domestic animate beings and homo in the worldwide. Certain environmental factors cause the happening of aflatoxins in animate beings. Such as geographical location, agricultural and agronomic process, bring forthing of Fungis that cause mycotoxins presence during preharvest, storage and processing. Aflatoxin M1 cause liver and kidney disfunction and malignant neoplastic disease in animate being and human. These are well depends on age, sex, species and nutrition. Clinical symptoms in carnal include ammonium hydroxide, reduced reproductivity, disfunction in nutrient use and GI jobs Evidence of aflatoxins wellness impact on homo has been reported from different country of universe particularly in 3rd universe states and the acute status of disease leads to human decease. Overall, because of all the issues that mentioned above aflatoxins have the irreparable impact on the universe economic system. Ineluctable presence of aflatoxins in nutrients and provenders and do the harmful consequence on homo and animate beings leads to detect and research the new methods for detoxification and degrading of these mycotoxins. In this undertaking, it is attempted to measure the consequence of lactic acid bacteriums on diminishing the degree of AFM1 in milk and yoghurt. If the result can be acceptable, it will be used for the remotion of AFM1 from dairy merchandises. The other account to utilize LAB for decontamination of AFM1 is the side effects of some mechanical and chemical methods. These techniques are non appropriate to use in dairy merchandises and the biological method in these instances has been advised Budget MATHERIALS 1 SOLID AFM1 ( SIGMA ) ?200 2 Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus ?250 3 Streptococcus thermophilus ?250 4 Phosphate Buffer Saline ( PBS ) ?100 5 Milk A ; Yoghurt ?50 6 Incubator ?1000 7 Centrifuge ?2500 8 Pipets 1-10 milliliters ?200 9 UV Light box and beginning ?500 10 Other equipments ?300 11 TOTAL ?5350 IAC EQUIPMENTS AFLASCAN KIT COMPONENTS 1 Aflascan unsusceptibility columns ?150 2 Florisil tips ?200 3 Glass syring barrel ?100 4 Plastic syring pump unit ?150 5 Rubber connection ?100 6 Fluroscent comparator card ?300 7 Sum ?1000 PROJECT MANAGEMENT
Monday, November 4, 2019
Was alexander the great really great Research Paper
Was alexander the great really great - Research Paper Example ign, Alexander conquered many territories and until to date, he is considered one of the brilliant military leaders who used unique tactics to bring down their opponents. The main reason why he was called the â€Å"Great†because of his victory in conquering the Persian Empire (Anson 2). This paper explores the legacy of Alexander the Great and presents an argument that he was really the great. Notably, Alexander was named the â€Å"Great†after his death and he is known worldwide as Alexander the great since then. The question that arises from this is whether he really deserves to be called the great or not. Undoubtedly, Alexander the Great was great, for instance, he was a great conqueror who managed to establish the largest empire in the ancient world. The greatness of Alexander is usually covered in respect of his achievements, conquests and influence when he was a king. Arguably, establishing great cities is one of his greatest legacies. Alexander established one of the largest empires in ancient history, which acts as one of his biggest achievements that made him popular. He was able to stop Persians from encroaching further upon Greece, and he conquered an empire that stretched from the Balkans to modern- day Pakistan. As Anson (1) noted, Alexander’s conquests spread over two million square miles. There are many cities, about fifty-eight, in the world that are named after Alexander the Great. The names that were given to these cities showed that the founder, Alexander wanted these cities to be great and prosperous (Anson 183). Secondly, he was a great military tactician because he won almost all the battles that he was involved in. His unique tactic was to attack in more than one direction simultaneously and this enabled him to win many battles and defeat his opponents accordingly. Alexander was a good soldier who never hesitated to lead his army in his attempt to conquer the world and motivated them by being part of them during the battles. His military
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Art history ( romanticism art work) research paper Essay
Art history ( romanticism art work) research paper - Essay Example The painting represents the connection and inherent interaction between nature and human activities. Besides the relationship between human beings activities and nature existence, the painting reflects industrial revolution era between 1800 and 1848. The revolution era resulted from human activities including within the construction and manufacturing industry. The main form of transport during the era remained mainly as horse-driven and walking2. The advent of train resulted into great revolution in the transport sector with ability to maneuver through the world with great speed. However, the revolution era resulted into a contrast between the industrial activities and existence of nature. Turner realized the inherent contrast that existed within the revolution era and nature and painted the art of rain, steam, and speed to depict the difference. It is vital to understand that industrial revolution and trains of the 1800s used carbon fuels that emitted large amounts of dangerous gas emissions and smoke that consequently polluted the atmosphere3. Due to the inherent pollution effects of gas emissions mainly from industrial activities including energy consumption from the train, Turner realized the need to sensitize the society of the contrast. Turner paints agricultural fields around the moving train to assists in explaining the inherent pollution effects of industrial revolution on other human activities. The painting consists of mainly of a train moving on a railway line, agricultural fields on the left side with farmers tilting crops, a bridge, and the nature effects including the escaping hare. As aforementioned, Turner aimed at using atmospheric effect as a component of nature in explaining its relationship with human activities including industrialization and agriculture. The painting remained first exhibited at Royal Academy in 1844. Presently, the painting remains part of the current collection in National
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Social science methods - entertainment location Essay
Social science methods - entertainment location - Essay Example These matches were actually scheduled to take place in India itself, but because of the ongoing election process in India it has been relocated to South Africa. All the teams participating in these matches are from India though all the teams must have a compulsory 4 overseas players apart from the Indian players. So South Africans were fortunate enough to watch all world cricket superstars in action at South Africa along with their players also. The South African people's behaviour towards these matches was indifferent at times. I have seen in one of the matches in which the South African fast bowler, probably one of the fastest in the world today Dale Steyn, who is playing for Royal Challengers, Bangalore, hit for a six by former Australian player Mathew Hayden who is playing for Chennai Super Kings. Most of the South African spectators cheered for Hayden rather than Steyn on that occasion. On another occasion when Steyn uprooted the stumps of Hayden, they stood up and clapped for a long period in appreciation of his performances. We can call it as a sporting gesture from the spectators, but really wondered me is that the same thing did not happened when earlier this year the Australians toured South Africa for some test matches. I think the 20-20 cricket match has changed the people's attitude drastically.
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