Monday, September 30, 2019
My weaker points in English are essay writing, especially introduction and conclusion paragraphs and poetry analysis. Based on what I know about the course, I feel like I will have to put in a lot of effort to pass the APE exam due to my weakness in essay writing. This year I would like to focus on getting my writing skills up to par for the APE exam. ASK ABOUT THIS PARAGRAPH I recently turned 16 as I said earlier. I live with my mother and 14 year old brother, who also goes to Stanton.My dad is in the Ana so right now he's stationed in Pensacola and comes home every other weekend. We live on the west side and my neighborhood school is Baldwin. I was born in Jacksonville but moved to Virginia for 4 years the summer after 5th grade. We moved back to Jacksonville 5 years ago. I play softball for the school, I think it starts sometime in the beginning of the 2nd quarter. I hope to participate in multi this year but I haven't decided what group I want to try out for yet. I like to read a s I mentioned before.The two series I'm interested in I can only get the books at the library after putting them on hold, so it's taking me a while to finish the series. Over the summer I put â€Å"Insurgent†, the second book in the â€Å"Divergent†trilogy, on hold but when it arrived at the library we were on vacation in Grenade. I can be reached through email at [email protected] Net. My home phone number is 904-329-3237. My cell phone number is 757-256-9756. It would be best to call the house phone if it is something important. Hello Date of Submission January 14, 2013 Problem Statements: Paragraph 1 This paragraph should contain five sentences only. Write about your culture, something about your family generation before your parent's generation, how are you connected to the generation prior to your parent's generation, tell us about your parents and siblings, your community when growing up and your current community, and something about yourself. All paragraphs with over five sentences will receive a minus five points per extra sentence.Please only five sentences. A culture was not really told to me the only thing that my sibling and I were told was to not get pregnant before we are married and have a career and to always get a good education. The only thing I know about my grandparent’s generation is that my mother’s parents did not finish elementary and that my father’s mother was held back a grade because of her height. I am very connected to my grandparents, they just do not talk much ab out their past.I have a little sister, who is 18 years old and a little brother that is 6 years old; the community we grew up in was in the suburbs and was very quiet, the neighbors were friendly and we all got along, we never had break ins because it was a gated community. The community I live in now is the total opposite it is always loud music playing, homes are getting broken into, people are always arguing; I am 21 I am a senior, I am funny, smart, and goofy. Paragraph 2 Write about your major, why you have chosen the major and what have you done prior to college to prepare for success in your current major. There must be five sentences.Why are you taking this course? Please do not say as an elective. Tell us how it fits into your overall academic goals. All paragraphs with over five will receive a minus five points for each extra sentence. Please only five sentences. My major is Special education. I originally was a elementary schools education major but I had gotten a job tha t involved working with individuals who had special needs and I enjoyed it I still do till this day, I decided to change my major to special education. Prior to attending college I did not really do anything to prepare for success in my major because I started out as a nursing major.I am taking this class not only as an elective, but so I can get the content I need to know to be able to successfully teach early childhood students as well as students with special needs. This class fits into my overall academic goals because without this class I cannot get my endorsement to teach early childhood students. Paragraph 3 From the readings in â€Å"Current Readings in Nursery School/Kindergaten Education†– pages 129-141 â€Å"The New First Grade: Too Much Too Soon? †share with us, what your experience was like in the first grade. Combine the readings with your real life experiences.You must include citations from the readings for credit. List the page number and para graph number of the citation. 10 sentences required. What I can remember about my experiences in first grade where that we had these little white books that had 5-7 words on each page. We would receive a book every day and were required to read it that night to a parent or guardian and have them initial a paper saying that we had read the book to them. In the book, it state â€Å"Kids are tested every eight weeks to see if they are hitting school, district and statewide benchmarks†(pg. 133P 3).I remember having to take these benchmark tests, because the class that had the highest benchmark test scores would get a pizza party or extra time at recess. In the middle of the school year the teachers would stop teaching all the other subjects and would start teaching us what was going to be on the TAAS test. My parents did not believe that I was getting challenged enough in the G. T program (Gifted and Talented), so they moved me to a private school. I remember this because my firs t day of school I felt so behind because for one I was moved on the middle of the school year and two the students were already learning how to subtract.At the school I had just left we were only adding single and double digits and subtracting single digits. My new school the students had already been taught how to subtract double digits and they were learning the hundreds place value. After my first week of school I was so far behind that they asked my parents about putting me in remedial classes my parents were upset that someone would ask them that and got me a tutor, since then I have received excellent grades. Hello KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN CCE CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES 2012-13 CLASS VII (Seven) ENGLISH FIRST TERM: APRIL –SEPTEMBER 2011 | | |Unit/Lesson/Topics to be covered |Mode of Assessment |Skills |Suggested value points | | |*Prose: The Three Questions |Comprehension check |Reading |Understanding | | |Poem: The Squirrel |Quiz ( Ants ) |Compeering |Pronunciation | | |*Supp: The Tiny Teacher |Recitation |Listening |Fluency | | | |Diary Entry |Speaking |Confidence | | | |Narration |writing |Format | | | | | |Expression | | |*Prose: The Gift of Chappals |Comprehension Check | Reading |Understanding | | |Poem: The Rebel |Informal Letter |Writing |Fluency | | |*Supp: Bringing up Kari |Anecdote (looking after an animal or needy without |Creative |Accuracy | | |*Supp: The Desert |elder’s knowledge. |Thinking Skill |Content | | | | |Speaking |Presentation | | |*Prose: Gopal & the Hilsa Fish Poem: The Shed |Comprehension |Understanding |Expression | | |*Supp:The Cop & the Anth em & Golu Grows a nose. Dramatization |Vocabulary |Presentation | | | |Spellings |Speaking |Confidence | | |Reading 20 |Diary Entry |Acting |Content | | |Writing 20 |Comic Creation |Drawing | | | |Grammar 15 | |Writing | | | |Literature 25 | | | | | |REVISION | |FA I 10 | | | | |FA II 10 | | | | |SA I 20 | | | | |TOTAL 40 | | | | | | | | | | | |SECOND TERM : OCTOBER 2011 –MARCH 2012 | |Topics | Mode of Assessment |Skills |Value Points ( areas) | | |*Prose: The Ashes that made Trees Bloom Poem: |Comprehension check |Understanding | | | |Chivvy |Outline story construction The Woodcutter& the Axe |Writing | | | | |Recitation |Speaking | | | | | | | | | |*Prose: Quality | Reading Paragraph/Slogan writing on Trees | Understanding |Confidence | | |Poem: Trees |Speech on Freedom is Life |Creative skills |Expression | | |*Supp :I want something in a cage | |Speaking |Content | | | | | |Fluency | | | | | |Presentation | | |*Prose: Expert Detectives | Comprehension check | Understanding Skill |Compre-hension | | |Poem: The Mystery of the Talking Fan. *Supp: |Project on Sherlock Holmes |Writing |Content | | |Chandini | |Analytical |Presentation | | | | | | | |*Prose: The Invention of Vita -Wonk | Comprehension |Reading |Content | | |Poem: Dad & The Cat &The Tree |Paragraph Writing on Wonders of Science |Writing |Pronunciation | | |*Supp: The Bear Story |Recitation |Speaking |accuracy | | | |Discuss –Shoot animals with a Camera-,not a gun. Listening | | | |*Prose: Fire: Friend and Foe |Comprehension |Understanding |Confidence | | |*Prose: A Bicycle in Good Repair |Fire Safety Measures Speech |Speaking |Accuracy | | |Poem: Meadow Surprises |Article Writing –SAVE TIGERS |Writing |fluency | | |*Supp : A Tiger in the House | |Creativity | | | |*Prose: The Story of Cricket I & II |Bio sketch of a favourite cricketer |Writing |Expression | | |Supp: An Alien Hand |Findings about Planet Mars. ( Mini Project) |Investigating |Presentation | | |*Poem : Garden Snake |Cricket quiz |Compeering |Confidence | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Reading 20 | | |FA III 10 | | |Writing 20 | | |FA IV 10 | | |Grammar 15 | | |SA II 40 | | |Literature 25 | | |TOTAL 60 | | |Revision | | | | | | | | | NOTE: In addition to consolidating the items learnt earlier, the following will be introduced and recycled through the Upper Primary Stage (Classes VI, VII and VIII) through the lessons given in the Main Text Books. †¢ Determiners * Passivisation * Linking Words * Adjectives (Comparative and Superlative Forms) *Adverbs (Place and Type), *Modal Auxilliaries * Tense Forms * Word Order in Sentence Types * Clauses * Reported Speech Hello Date of Submission January 14, 2013 Problem Statements: Paragraph 1 This paragraph should contain five sentences only. Write about your culture, something about your family generation before your parent's generation, how are you connected to the generation prior to your parent's generation, tell us about your parents and siblings, your community when growing up and your current community, and something about yourself. All paragraphs with over five sentences will receive a minus five points per extra sentence.Please only five sentences. A culture was not really told to me the only thing that my sibling and I were told was to not get pregnant before we are married and have a career and to always get a good education. The only thing I know about my grandparent’s generation is that my mother’s parents did not finish elementary and that my father’s mother was held back a grade because of her height. I am very connected to my grandparents, they just do not talk much ab out their past.I have a little sister, who is 18 years old and a little brother that is 6 years old; the community we grew up in was in the suburbs and was very quiet, the neighbors were friendly and we all got along, we never had break ins because it was a gated community. The community I live in now is the total opposite it is always loud music playing, homes are getting broken into, people are always arguing; I am 21 I am a senior, I am funny, smart, and goofy. Paragraph 2 Write about your major, why you have chosen the major and what have you done prior to college to prepare for success in your current major. There must be five sentences.Why are you taking this course? Please do not say as an elective. Tell us how it fits into your overall academic goals. All paragraphs with over five will receive a minus five points for each extra sentence. Please only five sentences. My major is Special education. I originally was a elementary schools education major but I had gotten a job tha t involved working with individuals who had special needs and I enjoyed it I still do till this day, I decided to change my major to special education. Prior to attending college I did not really do anything to prepare for success in my major because I started out as a nursing major.I am taking this class not only as an elective, but so I can get the content I need to know to be able to successfully teach early childhood students as well as students with special needs. This class fits into my overall academic goals because without this class I cannot get my endorsement to teach early childhood students. Paragraph 3 From the readings in â€Å"Current Readings in Nursery School/Kindergaten Education†– pages 129-141 â€Å"The New First Grade: Too Much Too Soon? †share with us, what your experience was like in the first grade. Combine the readings with your real life experiences.You must include citations from the readings for credit. List the page number and para graph number of the citation. 10 sentences required. What I can remember about my experiences in first grade where that we had these little white books that had 5-7 words on each page. We would receive a book every day and were required to read it that night to a parent or guardian and have them initial a paper saying that we had read the book to them. In the book, it state â€Å"Kids are tested every eight weeks to see if they are hitting school, district and statewide benchmarks†(pg. 133P 3).I remember having to take these benchmark tests, because the class that had the highest benchmark test scores would get a pizza party or extra time at recess. In the middle of the school year the teachers would stop teaching all the other subjects and would start teaching us what was going to be on the TAAS test. My parents did not believe that I was getting challenged enough in the G. T program (Gifted and Talented), so they moved me to a private school. I remember this because my firs t day of school I felt so behind because for one I was moved on the middle of the school year and two the students were already learning how to subtract.At the school I had just left we were only adding single and double digits and subtracting single digits. My new school the students had already been taught how to subtract double digits and they were learning the hundreds place value. After my first week of school I was so far behind that they asked my parents about putting me in remedial classes my parents were upset that someone would ask them that and got me a tutor, since then I have received excellent grades. Hello My weaker points in English are essay writing, especially introduction and conclusion paragraphs and poetry analysis. Based on what I know about the course, I feel like I will have to put in a lot of effort to pass the APE exam due to my weakness in essay writing. This year I would like to focus on getting my writing skills up to par for the APE exam. ASK ABOUT THIS PARAGRAPH I recently turned 16 as I said earlier. I live with my mother and 14 year old brother, who also goes to Stanton.My dad is in the Ana so right now he's stationed in Pensacola and comes home every other weekend. We live on the west side and my neighborhood school is Baldwin. I was born in Jacksonville but moved to Virginia for 4 years the summer after 5th grade. We moved back to Jacksonville 5 years ago. I play softball for the school, I think it starts sometime in the beginning of the 2nd quarter. I hope to participate in multi this year but I haven't decided what group I want to try out for yet. I like to read a s I mentioned before.The two series I'm interested in I can only get the books at the library after putting them on hold, so it's taking me a while to finish the series. Over the summer I put â€Å"Insurgent†, the second book in the â€Å"Divergent†trilogy, on hold but when it arrived at the library we were on vacation in Grenade. I can be reached through email at [email protected] Net. My home phone number is 904-329-3237. My cell phone number is 757-256-9756. It would be best to call the house phone if it is something important. Hello KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN CCE CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES 2012-13 CLASS VII (Seven) ENGLISH FIRST TERM: APRIL –SEPTEMBER 2011 | | |Unit/Lesson/Topics to be covered |Mode of Assessment |Skills |Suggested value points | | |*Prose: The Three Questions |Comprehension check |Reading |Understanding | | |Poem: The Squirrel |Quiz ( Ants ) |Compeering |Pronunciation | | |*Supp: The Tiny Teacher |Recitation |Listening |Fluency | | | |Diary Entry |Speaking |Confidence | | | |Narration |writing |Format | | | | | |Expression | | |*Prose: The Gift of Chappals |Comprehension Check | Reading |Understanding | | |Poem: The Rebel |Informal Letter |Writing |Fluency | | |*Supp: Bringing up Kari |Anecdote (looking after an animal or needy without |Creative |Accuracy | | |*Supp: The Desert |elder’s knowledge. |Thinking Skill |Content | | | | |Speaking |Presentation | | |*Prose: Gopal & the Hilsa Fish Poem: The Shed |Comprehension |Understanding |Expression | | |*Supp:The Cop & the Anth em & Golu Grows a nose. Dramatization |Vocabulary |Presentation | | | |Spellings |Speaking |Confidence | | |Reading 20 |Diary Entry |Acting |Content | | |Writing 20 |Comic Creation |Drawing | | | |Grammar 15 | |Writing | | | |Literature 25 | | | | | |REVISION | |FA I 10 | | | | |FA II 10 | | | | |SA I 20 | | | | |TOTAL 40 | | | | | | | | | | | |SECOND TERM : OCTOBER 2011 –MARCH 2012 | |Topics | Mode of Assessment |Skills |Value Points ( areas) | | |*Prose: The Ashes that made Trees Bloom Poem: |Comprehension check |Understanding | | | |Chivvy |Outline story construction The Woodcutter& the Axe |Writing | | | | |Recitation |Speaking | | | | | | | | | |*Prose: Quality | Reading Paragraph/Slogan writing on Trees | Understanding |Confidence | | |Poem: Trees |Speech on Freedom is Life |Creative skills |Expression | | |*Supp :I want something in a cage | |Speaking |Content | | | | | |Fluency | | | | | |Presentation | | |*Prose: Expert Detectives | Comprehension check | Understanding Skill |Compre-hension | | |Poem: The Mystery of the Talking Fan. *Supp: |Project on Sherlock Holmes |Writing |Content | | |Chandini | |Analytical |Presentation | | | | | | | |*Prose: The Invention of Vita -Wonk | Comprehension |Reading |Content | | |Poem: Dad & The Cat &The Tree |Paragraph Writing on Wonders of Science |Writing |Pronunciation | | |*Supp: The Bear Story |Recitation |Speaking |accuracy | | | |Discuss –Shoot animals with a Camera-,not a gun. Listening | | | |*Prose: Fire: Friend and Foe |Comprehension |Understanding |Confidence | | |*Prose: A Bicycle in Good Repair |Fire Safety Measures Speech |Speaking |Accuracy | | |Poem: Meadow Surprises |Article Writing –SAVE TIGERS |Writing |fluency | | |*Supp : A Tiger in the House | |Creativity | | | |*Prose: The Story of Cricket I & II |Bio sketch of a favourite cricketer |Writing |Expression | | |Supp: An Alien Hand |Findings about Planet Mars. ( Mini Project) |Investigating |Presentation | | |*Poem : Garden Snake |Cricket quiz |Compeering |Confidence | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Reading 20 | | |FA III 10 | | |Writing 20 | | |FA IV 10 | | |Grammar 15 | | |SA II 40 | | |Literature 25 | | |TOTAL 60 | | |Revision | | | | | | | | | NOTE: In addition to consolidating the items learnt earlier, the following will be introduced and recycled through the Upper Primary Stage (Classes VI, VII and VIII) through the lessons given in the Main Text Books. †¢ Determiners * Passivisation * Linking Words * Adjectives (Comparative and Superlative Forms) *Adverbs (Place and Type), *Modal Auxilliaries * Tense Forms * Word Order in Sentence Types * Clauses * Reported Speech
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Barbara Hepworth – presentation
Good morning, I know some you are taking the â€Å"british art†course this year, so I think it could be interesting if I give a brief account of Barbara Hepworthà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s work and experiences. For those of you who are not taking that subject it may be a way of familiarising yourselves with abstract art coming from Great Britain. Before going straight into the subject, Ià ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½d like you to get rid of any prejudices you may have against abstract art and just let yourselves to be carried along by what Ià ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½m going to say and show. First of all, I can see in your faces youà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½re thinking â€Å"Whoà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s that Barbara Hepworth sheà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s talking about? Well, She is one of the most important abstract scuptors in Britain. What Ià ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½m trying to do here this morning is to show you in what way her experiences in life changed her work. As you see this is Barbara Hepworth when she was only two years old. It is relevant the way she perceived nature from her very infancy. In this statement you can see it clearly. She says â€Å"All my early memories are of forms, shapes and textures†, so she identifies nature with sculture. The last line is also remarkable as Barbara Hepworth is establishing a relationship between nature and the sculptor. One of the most important experiences who contributed to change her work is the visit she paid to Italy when she had become a sculptor herself. In this country she found two of her main preocupations: light and the grouping of people. The importance of light in relation to form will always interest her. Her second preocupation emerged in Venice. There, she realized that when people entered Saint Mark square, they walked in a different way and tended to group themselves because of the enormous proportion of the square and the cathedral. These two preocupations, those of light and the grouping of people will change her style. In this slide you can see her with one of her children. Barbara recognizes that with the birth of her first child her work developed notoriously. In her Autobiography, that I recommend you, the artist critizises those who thought a woman cannot be an artist and mother at the same time. What is more, she believes her work changed because of her children been, during several years, more formal, avoiding any trace of naturalism. You can see the resault in this sculpure. If we carry on the course of her life, we can find another turning point in her career when she first met Arp, one of the leaders of dadaism. By seeing his work, Barbara freed herself from many inhibitions and regarded the ralion between form and landscape with new eyes. In the decade of the 30à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s, abstract art became quite famous in Britain because of Barbara and her husband, Ben Nicholson. They were in contact with some important artists from the continent, such as gabo or Mondrian. Here you can see her with Gabo and his wife. This contact originated new preocupations for Barbara. One of them was the quality of the materials she used in her scuptures. She wanted to do something of a piece of marble, for example, but in order to achieve it she had to discover what the block of marble wanted. In this period she is also interested in the hollowed form as you can see in many of her works. She pierced the scuptures to create a more profound relationship between human beings and nature through sculpture. It is in these years that she analyses the role of the sculptor. She also reflects about her hands. Barbara Hepworth thinks her left hand is her thinking hand while her right hand is the working one. As a result of the threatening of the 2nd world war, many european artists came to England and joined the group of Barbara and Ben Nicholson in St. Ives, establishing the foundations of Constructivism, one of the most important vanguardist movements. During these last years of the decade Barbara Hepworth devoted herself to curved and stringed carvings which symbolised, once again, a sense of identification with nature. After this period her scultures will evoque the idea of enclosure or embrace. In order to achive it she uses several kinds of forms which are: the standing figure, the two figures, that represent the relationship between one human being and another, and the spherical or oval form. Her work will change again in the 40à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s, a decade she dedicates to monumental and enormous figures made of metal. This is Barbara Hepworth when she was nearly and old lady. In her last years she comes back to the formal style that characterized her work during the decade of the 30à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s. Unfortunately, she passed away in 1975. She used to drink and smoke a lot, so one day she didnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t extinguish the butt of a cigarrete and it a caused a fire that killed her. In conclusion, I can say Barbara Hepworth was one of the most important artists of her time and her success depends a great deal on her experience in life. I hope you take a full advantage of my presentation. Anyway, if youà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve got any comments or questions you are welcomed. Thank you very much. * Introduction: Good morning, I know some of you†¦.. Get rid of any prejudices / let yourselves get involved. * Body: First of all: Who is Barbara Hepworth. What Ià ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½m trying : in what way her experiences change her work. Slide of her 2 years old : relevant because from her infancy aware of forms. Slide of statement. (last line remarkable). Italy: preoccupations: light and grouping of people. Slides of Venice. Slides of child (2) Her children: developed her work, autobiography she critizises, her work more formal avoiding any trace of naturalism Slide of formal scupture. If we follow the course of her life another turning point: Arp: (leader of dadaism) freed herself from many inhibitions and regarded the relationship bet figure and nature with new eyes. In the decade of the 30à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s abstract art famous in GB because of her and her husband. Slide of BH and her husband. They were in contact with artists from continent. (Gabo, Mondrian). Slide of her with Gabo. This contact originated new preoccupatiosns: qualitiy of materials, hollowed form. She pierced scultures to create a more profound relation bet human beings and nature. Slide of pierced figure. It is in these years: analyses the role of artist and reflects about her hands. Slides of hands (2). As a result of the threatening of the 2nd w.w. many artist came and joined her group in St Ives. Slides of her studio in St. Ives (2). There they established the foundations of Constructuvism, one of the most imp vanguardist movements. During these last years of the decade, BH devoted herself to the curved and stringed carving, a sense of identifiation with nature. Slide of stringed sculpture. After this period her sculptures will evoque the idea of enclosure or embrace by using several kinds of forms: standing form, two forms and oval or spherical form. Slide of standing figure. Slide of spherical figure. 40à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s her work changes again: enormous figures made of metal. Slides of enormous figures (3). Slides of her old (2) In her last years she came back to the formal style of the 30à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s. She passed away in 1975: she used to drink etc. * Conclusion: As a conclusion we can say she was 1 of the + imp artists of her time, and her success depends a great deal on her experience in life. I hope you have taken full advantage of my presentation. If you have any comments or questions you are welcome.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Assignment should be presented as a Journal opinion article. The Essay
Assignment should be presented as a Journal opinion article. The article should be timely and address an economic issue of current interest to Wall Street Journal readers - Essay Example For the Chicago region, costs of shipping have risen since some organizations are forced to use other routes, which were more expensive. In Dallas, trucking companies argue that cargo volumes went down due to West Coast ports shipping disruptions. This is because small-parcel and rail shipments went up in January, even though they were high the previous year. For the retailers in the western states, they would have realized strong sales during the holiday season if the delays that emerged from West Coast ports never took place. These issues led to a reduction in agricultural exports, as perishable goods were wasted while in storage containers before they could be shipped (Portlock). In addition, Boston Fed revealed that firms were under pressure, particularly due to the negative influences that resulted from unanticipated weather conditions in the southern part of New England. Nevertheless, products, such as coats, boosts, and winter sporting equipment realized strong sales. However, several retailers said that more than 200 stores situated in New England could not operate for a few days due to extreme weather conditions (Portlock). New York, on the other hand, is showing a rise in available rentals, indicating new economic developments, especially in Brooklyn. A transportation analyst situated in Philadelphia region stipulated that the flourishing traffic is nearing levels last witnessed during the previous expansion. In Cleveland district, decline in prices of gasoline have encouraged certain individuals to purchase trucks and SUVs, reaching a sales rise of about 7 percent compared to January 2014. However, a number of dental equipment producers in Richmond area said low number of patients led to reduced sales of the products. In the case of Atlanta region, establishments meant for casual dining witnessed a rise in customer volumes as clients were becoming
Friday, September 27, 2019
Discussion Board Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Discussion Board - Essay Example As the paper declares there is a tendency to ignore this growing social problem and the war on drugs has pushed the distribution of all kinds of drugs used into the hands of criminal elements of society. Decriminalization of drugs attempts to make drugs available through more legitimate channels with a degree of control and thereby remove distribution of drugs through the criminal elements. To understand the working of this measure an examination of its use in Holland would be useful. In Holland drugs have been classified into hard, which includes heroin, cocaine and ecstasy and soft, which is cannabis. In the case of cannabis the possession of small quantities for personal use is seldom held against the person having it, but more importantly it is the fact that cannabis has been made available through cafes and removes the criminal element from the distribution of cannabis. This essay stresses that the problem with this measure is that the use of the soft drug cannabis could lead to the use of hard drugs and hard drugs are still clamped down heavily in Holland. A possible way out of this is to make the hard drugs available at chemists and sold through prescriptions under strict regulations so that the involvement of criminal elements is removed. Still this does not remove the issue of the move from a soft drug like cannabis to a hard drug like heroin or cocaine by a soft drug user.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Personal World View Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Personal World View - Research Paper Example It also serves as an explanation and interpretation of the daily events of the world and how the explanation is applied to our daily lives (Bengtsson 41). The beliefs that one has about a given situation are the driving force to the world views that he will come up with. It is the beliefs that serve as evidence for the ways in which he interprets reality. Religious world views also cannot be the same as secular world views as they differ in terms of evidence and the point of argument. It is the world view that gives one confidence in everything he does an indication that they are able to judge their actions as being either right or wrong. It therefore gives one confidence and with it they can be able to defend their actions as they have specific rules that they cane respond to incase of an argument or confrontation. The world views are however different when it comes to dealing with different people hence the need to understand the difference that occurs in character among the people . This can therefore be affected by cultural and sexual orientations. The Christian world view focuses its arguments on the teachings of the bible and that God is the whole source of truth. Therefore understanding of God will enable an individual to be able to understand the purpose for the daily events in life. It is through God that we can be able to tell the absolute truth. However personal truth tends to overpower all the truth as it is a great determinant for ones actions in life. Most people regard the Christian world view as being the best for everyone as God is the teller and judge of absolute truth. Secular lives tend to carry with them several consequences including broken families, ineffective Christianity and devastating lives. It is through Christianity that we can be able to get hold of the best world view with which we can grow in our own commitment and truth. We can help others to grow in their own commitment and in telling and having the truth within their souls (Be ngtsson 8). This serves as a driving force behind your emotions, actions and the decisions made whether in a group or as an individual. This will in the end affect the way you respond to every situation in your daily life with reference to different topics of interest. The world view acts as the interpretive lenses through which you view and judge the events of the world. With the lenses you can be able to observe a wide range of perspectives or factors that affect the well being of an individual. In order to avoid conflict of interest, we should learn not to let our worldviews appear to be superior to others. My personal world view is that of God being the teacher and life is the school. Being a religious based world view, it therefore implies that life can serve as an institution where we are to try out things and see if they work through learning process. In a case where they do not work, we go ahead to correct them in order to be able to fir into the system. In life as individua ls we are exposed to various challenges from all the directions and it is upon us to be aware of how we can work them out. The society has rules and regulations that we have to adhere to whether or not they are in agreement with our personal world views. This is what is commonly experienced in the society as we tend to break most of the laws that have been set up just because they are not in agreement with what we consider v as right. This should also serve as a guiding principle among individuals when staying in the society and they have to be
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Facebook Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Facebook - Essay Example This entails posting or getting the discussion started, and then coordinating the protest march. Getting the discussion started regulates the extremity of the responses, where people share information and knowledge regarding certain issues. Online regulation of information enhances closeness between various groups of people. Users give their comments and ideas regarding an issue if only guided at the beginning; otherwise, the effectiveness may be distorted since different people possess diverse views and objectives in their use of social networking sites (Lee & Ingraffea, 2007). The regular plug is effective in promoting the effective communication for Facebook users. The regular signing in enhances build-up of one community. This also promotes interaction since a person can confirm availability through saying something. Facebook hosts over 800 million users out of which only 50% log on daily. It is critical that people take advantage to interact daily with their community as well as engage their community so as to announce their presence. Authenticity enhances effective communication where a person writes and comments anything without any fear, regardless of the location. The person’s values clearly show up from the posts, and this is critical when posting a link, communicating with a certain group, or when responding to a topic (Lee & Ingraffea, 2007). Brevity is critical in order to keep ones words concise and to the point. Brevity forms a vital component of the social media literacy. Research by Buddy Media indicates that Facebook posts with over 80 characters possess 27% change of engagement. Research indicates that people often get tired after the first minute of reading. Consideration of Facebook as a public space is critical where a person should not comment on anything he or she cannot say in public, and people should be positive when using the social networking site. Every person may have unpleasant experiences; however, this should not
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Operations Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3
Operations Management - Assignment Example Finally, they can be used to develop systems to automate the processes they model (Gieskes, 2001). In the last case, programmers may use the process model as a guide in developing the information system or more recently, some process models can be run though process execution engines that automate the process directly from the model. A great deal of customization is often required in simulation systems modeling. From initial appearance, no system bears exact semblance to another and each time a new model is to be developed, the designer is compelled to begin from scratch. Simulation presents designers with powerful modeling tools which help in coming up with efficient systems. Interesting, even with these tools at the modelers’ disposal, they still get the feeling that they are reinventing again and again. There is always the suspicion that maybe the model they are about to design already exists or may be there already exists a model that sufficiently resembles the model to be designed. Either way, simulation provides a useful tool through which systems can be simulated. A number of techniques are often used in implementation of simulations. This project explores a specific type of simulation, a discrete event-based simulation, whereby events take place according to a schedule set on the fly as simulation plays out, with the main aim being to focus on points in time whereby interesting events take place and skip the dead spots in between the processes. For sparse simulations, where only a few events occur at irregular intervals, event-based simulation is extremely efficient. In the simulation described in this report, the dry cleaning establishment’s inner workings are modeled. Although taking note of the fact that an actual dry cleaning establishment is a physical store which not only occupies physical space, but is also complete with machinery, workers, customers, and other variables, there are further complexities than a typical model can incor porate. This simulation therefore operated a simple model but still captured the entire essential ongoing in dry cleaning process. To keep the simulation simple and reasonable, it is assumed that all garments to be dry cleaned are identical in size, weight, and material despite the fact that realistic differences are available in the process. It is assumed that over the course of time, the difference will even out. An average time is assumed for the clothing. Spreadsheet model versus ARENA modeling Discrete event modeling/simulation is largely use in generation of system predictions of states during time intervals, which are flexible in examination of what if situations. For instance, it is regularly used in evaluation of client waiting lines often referred to as a queue. The question typical of such models and simulations is how long customer will have to wait (averagely) in a line before a customer representative attends to him/her and if this wait time is too long, explore possib le ways of reducing it. Solutions may include adding servers. Modeling and simulation help explore these questions without the need to actually create and assess a physical situation as such a move could prove extremely expensive. Among the approaches often adopted in modeling are spreadsheet modeling and ARENA modeling. A model spreadsheet is defined as a ubiquitous software packages element available on many networked as well as personal microcomputer systems. It is primarily applied in
Monday, September 23, 2019
Argument For and Against Banning Smoking in Public Places Essay
Argument For and Against Banning Smoking in Public Places - Essay Example As the essay highlights there is no one who is against someone being allowed to smoke. However, there is an issue that affects those around the smoker. Arguments are cited in favor of banning smoking in public places as can be seen forthwith.This paper discusses that the first reason is that the resulting secondhand smoking is harmful to the health of people. The first argument has used examples which may not be necessarily accurate. This is use of fallacy to support an argument. It has assumed use of citation from reliable sources. The second reason is that secondhand smoking is more harmful to the health of children. The fallacy prominent example is a petition to authority that is unknown. There is no source of argument in the examples. There should be a valid and reliable assumption. The other reason is that in spite of having a smoking area, smoke spreads all over other places. In this reason, there is the use of analogy that is strange- the example of food coloring. The fallacy applied is the assumption in an analogy that is not correct. The other reason factors other negative effects like the smell of the smoke. There is the fallacy of quick generalization at this point. This is in the example of the clothes holding bad smell. It is assumed that when going out to several places smoke is the only thing not accepted by individuals. Smoking in public places exposes the environment into a dangerous situation. There is the fallacy of begging the question and assumption that fire can result from cigarette butts.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Researching the marketing mix Essay Example for Free
Researching the marketing mix Essay In this task, I am going to research the marketing mix and I am going to apply this to The Marketing mix is a general phrase used to describe the different kinds of choices organizations have to make in the whole process of bringing a product or service to market. The 4Ps is the best-known way of defining the marketing mix. The 4ps are: Product- what is sold? Place- where is the product is sold? Price-how much the product costs? Promotion- how a business communicates with its customers Place McDonalds sell various food and drink products all over the world and will need to use methods to get their goods made available to consumers. McDonalds use a distribution channel to get their products from the producer to the consumer. Here are the different distribution channels which exist. This is a direct channel between the producer and the consumer. They will deal together without intermediaries involved. This can be beneficial for businesses because it allows a larger proportion of profit and means they can have more control over the marketing of the product. The disadvantage is that the costs will be larger to distribute the products. Retailers such as farm shops and dell use this channel as they sell the products they make directly to the consumer. This is an indirect channel between customer and producer because of the use of a retailer as an intermediary. The producer will distribute their goods to retailers who will then sell the products individually to consumers. Retailers are focused on consumer markets and offer customers advice, convenience, financial assistance and after-sales support. An example of a retailer which uses this channel would be Next. Next will receive their products from their producer and then sell them in store to the consumers. This is an indirect channel between the producer and consumer because a wholesaler is an intermediary in this channel. The producer will supply the wholesaler with a large number of products and then will break the order into smaller quantities to supply to the consumer. The advantage of this is that the consumer can get the goods at a cheaper price because the transport costs are reduced due fewer journeys. The wholesaler makes its profit by buying the product at a cheaper price and adding a profit margin to the price paid by the retailer. Many small businesses such as cafes use this channel as they will get their products supplied by a wholesaler so they can supply the products to consumers. This is a longer indirect channel. There are two intermediaries in this channel which is a wholesaler and a retailer. The producer will supply large quantities to wholesalers who will then break the orders into smaller ones to send out to the retailer who will sell the product directly to the consumer. The retailer will make a profit by charging the consumers more money per unit than what they paid the wholesaler. An example of a retailer which uses this channel is a newsagent. The producers will send bulk orders to wholesalers. The newsagents will then buy the goods to sell in their store from the wholesaler and then sell the products to consumers in store. Product McDonalds sell fast food and drink products all over the world. McDonalds will need to continue to create customer interest and satisfy their needs by developing new products and releasing them into the market. For example, McDonalds recently released their signature collection which was a new set of meals which created customer interest and demand. I will now apply the marketing mix to the McDonalds and using their most well-known McDonalds product which is the Big Mac to show how it is used. The Marketing Mix and the McDonalds Big Mac Product-The Big Mac McDonald’s most well-known burger. The burger is a low budget product. A Big Mac contains to beef burger patties, cheese, salad and a three-part bun. A Big Mac contains around 490 calories. You can also buy a Big Mac meal which comes with a drink and fries. Meals come in medium or large sizes. It is important that McDonalds have a product like the Big Mac because it gives them a good reputation and image which makes them a successful and well-known brand. Place-The only place a Big Mac can be purchased is at a McDonald’s restaurant. McDonald’s restaurants can be found all over the country, some open 24 hours. There are 1,208 McDonald’s restaurants in the UK and 34,492 worldwide. The benefits of McDonalds selling the Big Mac only at their stores is that they get all the profit from the product, where if they sold their products at other places they would have less profit. Promotion-McDonalds advertise the Big Mac on T.V, radio, the internet and in magazines. McDonalds also offer promotions on the Big Mac such as giving away a free Coca-Cola glass with Big Mac meals and offering the chance to win prizes with the Monopoly stickers. Promotion is important for McDonalds because it gains them more sales which makes them more successful. Price-An individual Big Mac would cost  £2.59 in the UK. A medium Big Mac meal  £4.19 and  £4.59 for a large. The Big Mac costs this much because it is a fast food budget product. It is important that McDonalds sell the Big Mac at the right price because if it is too high people won’t buy the product and if it’s too low they won’t make a profit. The price is successful because it is relatively cheap and McDonalds can make a profit out of it.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Instructor Graded Assignment Essay Example for Free
Instructor Graded Assignment Essay Equations In this and future Instructor Graded Assignments you will be asked to use the answers you found in the Unit 1 Assignment. Note: For these questions you need to cite a reliable source for information, which means you cannot use sites like Wikipedia, ®, and Yahoo ® answers. If you do use those sites the instructor may award 0 points for your response. The Assignment problems must have the work shown at all times. The steps for solving the problems must be explained. Failure to do so could result in your submission being given a 0. If you have any questions about how much work to show, please contact your instructor. Assignments must be submitted as a Microsoft Word ® document and uploaded to the Dropbox for Unit 2. Type all answers directly in this Assignment below the question it applies to. All Assignments are due by Tuesday at 11:59 PM ET of the assigned Unit. Finding the National Average Price for Gas These first few questions will require you to use the internet to search for the national average price for gas. Remember to use a scholarly site for information. List the website(s) you visited here: points): What was the average price of a gallon of gas 1 year from when your business math class started? I am confused with this question; my class began in August 2014 so 1 year from then will be 2015 so I have to go to the projected gasoline prices which for a gallon of gasoline are projected to be $ 3.38 as compared to $ 3.48 in 2014 down 10 cents a gallon. (5 points): You have $50 on hand and need to buy gas. How many gallons of gas can you buy (using the value you reported in Question 1.) @ $ 3.38 per gal. I would be able to purchase 14 gallons for $ 47.32 leaving $ 2.68 from the original $ 50.00. $ 3.38 x 14 = $ 47.32. 3. (5 points): If gas prices were to drop 10% from the current price, how much would a gallon of gas cost now? Current price per gallon of gasoline is $ 3.50 so a gallon would drop from 3.50 to $ 3.15 per gallon a drop of 35 cents per gallon which is 10% of $3.50. 4. (5 points): Using the average for 1 year ago, and the average for 6 months ago, calculate the percent increase or decrease in the price of a gallon of gas over that 6 month time span. The average price per gallon of gasoline in the U.S 6 months ago May, 2014 was$ 3.66, the average price 1 year ago Oct. 2013 was $ 3.27, = ((3.66 3.27) / |3.27|) * 100 = (0.39 / 3.27) * 100 = 0.119266 * 100 = 11.9266% change = 11.9266% increase Finding the National Average for Food for One Person Questions 5, 6, and 7 will require you to search for the national average for food for one person. Remember to use a scholarly site for information. List the website(s) you visited here: (3 points): What was the national average for food for a month for one person, one year ago from the date the class started? Use the average for a 35-year-old male, and if multiple figures are given for that gender and age, use the highest number. $364.90 6. (5 points): If this person lives in a state with a 7% sales tax on all food purchases, how much will they need to spend on food for one year? $4,685.28 7% of 364.90 = 25.54 + 364.90 = 390.44 x 12 = $4,685.28 7. (5 points): Create an equation you could use to calculate the cost one person spends on food for a year (assume no tax on the food), using this site. Your equation must work for any age range, and any gender now. I went with the highest (liberal) cost for a single person per month which is $373.10 per month 373.10 x 12 = $ 4472.20 for one year’s food supply cost, I hope I understood this question correctly. Essay Question (15 points) 8. Using the internet, find a website where a linear equation is used. Using that website as a source, write a  ¾ 1 page essay response in which you discuss how the equation was used, if it was used correctly, and what solutions to the equation mean (in other words, why are you using the equation in the first place? What is the solution supposed to tell you once you find it). Requirements for essay Write your essay in this document – do not save it in a separate file. You must clearly state your position with well-structured paragraphs using proper grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. This is not an â€Å"opinion†question – you must offer evidence to support your position, using properly cited sources. Your answer must be between  ¾-1 page in length. You must cite and reference at least one source (book, website, periodical) using APA format. The required website counts as one source. You may submit your Assignments to the Math Center for review. Tutors will not grade or correct the Assignment, but they will provide guidance for improvement. Tutors will not, however, help you find web sites for the Assignment. Be sure to submit Assignments early enough to receive feedback and make corrections before the Assignment due date (24 hour turn-around times Monday-Thursday and 48 hour turn-around times on weekends are typical). Email Assignments to: [emailprotected] Please put â€Å"MM255 Assignment Review†in the subject line of the message. Thomas Doyle Unit 2 assignment Essay MM255 Business Math and Statistical Measures If youve ever doubled a favorite recipe, youve applied a linear equation. If one cake equals 1/2 cup of butter, 2 cups of flour, 3/4 tsp. of baking powder, three eggs and 1 cup of sugar and milk, then two cakes equal 1 cup of butter, 4 cups of flour, 1 1/2 tsp. of baking powder, six eggs and 2 cups of sugar and milk. To get twice the output, you put in twice the input. You might not have known you were using a linear equation, but thats exactly what you did. use linear equations when I do my payroll, for example, If my foreman Chris works 2 hours at the rate of 20.00$ per hour, X = the number of hours worked and y equals the hourly rate so Y = 20x or 40.00$. I did not realize there were so many linear and nonlinear equations used in everyday life situations, they were always there I just never saw them for what they were. I use linear equations in the first example in order to increase the output and in the second to figure the correct payroll amount and these are the exact results I achieved.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Investor Attitudes Towards Risk on Stock Market
Investor Attitudes Towards Risk on Stock Market For the abnormal return in stock market, investor attitudes will become increasingly important. This paper attempts to analyze the impact of investor attitude towards risk that have a greater influence on stock market .In this study researcher focused on particular Islamabad stock market and obtain primary data based on five point Likert scale from investor of ISE. The data indicate that investors have substantially different attitudes toward various investments. However, there are significant statistical differences between attitudes of the investor groups in their attitudes toward three risk types. These data also show significant differences in attitudes toward risk. After analyzing the data through the Regression and Correlation, including ANOVA test, the result found the significance impact of variables on stock market. Introduction The whole financial theory is based on the basic hypothesis of rational investor on the financial markets. This rationality is characterized by a continuous quest of the investors to maximize their utility function (actually maximizing the return of the investment for a given risk level or minimizing the risk for an expected return level). In spite their rationality; investors have a different perception over risk, its bearing having an important psychological factor. Most investors show different attitude towards risk like motivated risk aversion, but we can find on the financial markets. While risk behavior has been studied intensely and a large number of risk perception. Through attention to risk perception and risk propensity which are mediators in attitude transaction, financial institutions can realize the effects on investor behavior and their returns expectations. The first section of this paper is the introduction, the second section is the literature review, the third secti on establishes hypothesis model, the fourth section presents the study results and the fifth section is the conclusion and recommendations.Different Studies are available; far less research exists regarding peoples mind-sets towards risk taking, i.e., risk attitudes, such as, risk aversion, risk tolerance and risk neutral. These can be conceptualized as two poles of a one-dimensional attitude towards risk-taking but also as two separate concepts. It is widely assumed that people differ considerably in their attitude towards risks, ranging from good sense to risk-seeking and even pleasure in risk-taking. The first trial of conceptualizing the investors risk aversion belongs to Milton Friedman and Leonard Savage (Milton Friedman, Leonard Savage Utility Analysis of Choices Involving Risk, JPE, 1948) who defined the risk aversion by using the following decisional situation: an investor who can chose among comparable investments will always chose the one with the lowest risk. Explaining the investment behavior using the returns of risky financial investments utility function brought a new perspective to the risk aversion theory. Further studies showed that there are also other factors with direct impact over the attitude towards risk (economic growth forecasts of a market, the level of training and the experience gained, fluctuations of the exchange market, psychological factors, biases and heuristics etc.). This paper follows studies conducted with investors to examine investor attitudes and behavior towards inherent risk and potential returns in stock market. Statement of the Problem The problem statement of research was à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Impact of Investor Attitude towards Risk on Stock Marketà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Major variables used in this study include stock market return volatility and risk attitude i.e risk tolerance, risk aversive, risk neutral variables that are the indicators of investor attitude. Objective: the objectives of research are:- To study how these attitude types are affecting the stock market. To find whether there is any relationship between stock market index and investor behavior. Significance of the Study The market return fluctuate according to events and trends , the human mind also have some psychological factor that can be influenced or might directs towards good or bad decision making regarding investment. From this study individual investor can get knowledge how their behavior that can maximize or minimize their utility in investment plan in market portfolio. They can change their behavior accordingly. Every Kind of individual like small investor including Man, Women with different status i.e. single or Martial with different age can change their mind set and able to understand how they should make decision to see the market trends or events. Review of Literature There is lot work has been done so far in this regard. Now we have overview some of researcher works in this section of the paper as review literature. With the reference of research topic, some of studies are being done in which all the variables includes Risk attitude factors i.e; Risk Aversion, Risk Tolerance, Risk are taken into consideration to define the impact of those variables on stock market. Levin, Synder and chapman (1975) were concerned with the differences between men and women in accepting the risks of financial investments, they focused on a group of 110 students using a questionnaire regarding lotteries to check the more risk aversive according to gender differentiation. the results indicating that women are more risk aversive than men Powell and Ansic (1997) questioned a small group regarding property insurance and the exchange market and again found that women are more aversive than men (this study was among the first which analyzed individual aversion towards speculative and pure risks); using information regarding the weight of the funds invested in risky assets. Jaimie Sung and Hannna (1996) analyzed the risk tolerance corresponding to four ethnic groups: Caucasian, Hispanic, Black and others. Given the substantial differences among risk tolerance capacities of these groups (the Caucasians have the highest risk tolerance and the Blacks the lowest) we may assert that this factor has a direct impact on the way investors accept and perceive the risk attached to financial investments. Education also has a direct influence on risk tolerance, as several studies prove a direct link between higher education and the acceptance of higher risk related to investments. The analysis was conducted on four education levels: primary school, high school, college and postgraduate studies. The results demonstrate an intense and direct impact on accepting financial risk: the higher the subjects education, the higher his tolerance to risk. Sitkin and Pablo (1992) developed a model of determinants of risk behavior. In this model, personal risk preferences and past experiences form an important risk factor in which to frame the problem, and social influence also affects the individuals perception. Sitkin and Weingart (1995) extend the Sitkin-Pablo model leading to the definition that risk perception and propensity are the mediators in risk behaviors of uncertainty decision-making. Shyan-Rong Chou, Gow-Liang Huang, Hui-Lin Hsu (2010) has done research on à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Investor Attitudes and Behavior towards Inherent Risk and Potential Returns in Financial Productsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. They establish a model by which to measure attitudes and behavior towards investment risk.They used variables: Risk propensity, Risk perception, Behavior finance, Decision making. They study to form a framework (framing) for interpretation of their respective populations attitudes and behaviors. Empirical results found no difference by gender to investor propensity to take risk, nor in cognitive perception of such. However, higher and lower perceptions of risk were indicated by investors according to their personal investment experience. Investors with little experience in stocks and structured notes were found to have significantly sensitive perception of risk. Thus the model proposed is relevant in finding a positive correlation between experience and propensity of risk, though the un derstanding of such remains uncertain. In respect to financial products other than mutual funds, investor propensity and perception of risk tend to show a negative correlation. Amos Tversky; Daniel Kahneman (1974) defines in their research à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biasesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? that Heuristics that are important feature of the individual decision-making process which may be considered to include thought representativeness and availability. They founded that there is anchoring bias in the decision-making process which arises due to factors such as overconfidence, loss aversion, status quo bias, mental accounting, framing and so on. Investors in the process of assessing the risks and returns are influenced by this anchor effect. All these studies proved the complexity of risk aversion and its subjective dimension, as the estimates are difficult to obtain accurately. Investors have ultimately a unique behavior which results in un balanced price, no matter how adverse they are to risk. Understanding risk aversion offers another perspective for constructing and optimizing risky financial portfolios. Theoretical Frame work Our theoretical frame work is as under: (Independent Variables) Risk Aversion Risk Tolerance Risk Neutral (Dependent Variable) Stock Market Explanation The possibility of physical or social or financial harm /detriment / loss due to a exposure. This is the (dominating) negative perspective; however, there is also a neutral perspective, i.e., risk = uncertainty about the outcomes (good and/or bad ones) of a decision; and a positive perspective. A persons opinion belief about how large the risk associated with a hazard is (regarding negative outcomes) A general perspective of humans mind towards taking or avoiding a risk when deciding how to proceed in situations with uncertain outcomes. Risk Attitude towards taking risks or avoiding risk are; i.e, Risk aversion, Risk Tolerance, Risk Neutral. So, all decisions about how acceptable a risk is in individual or societal terms deepened on market events or trends. The actual behavior of people when facing a risk situation, each investor has unique personal risk tendencies, investment style, and level of risk awareness. These characteristics, in addition to the expectation of returns, help investment decision making and portfolio construction. According to traditional finances capital asset pricing model, due to investor risk aversion, rational investors understand that increased investment risk demands return with a higher premium. Diagrammatical Expression of Variable: [1] Purpose of the study (Hypothesis Testing) Hypothesis testing offers an enhanced understanding of the relationship that exists among variables. It could also established casual and effect relationship. The research à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Impact of Investor attitude towards risk on Stock Marketà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, includes there are certain variables upon which the growth of Stock Market depends; these are interest rate, Risk Aversion, Risk Tolerance, Risk Neutral ,Uncertainty. Research is being carried out to analyze the nature of the relationship between all these variables. Hypothesis Risk Tolerance Investor: Investors who tend towards higher risk are more adventurous and so are willing to attempt high-risk, high reward investments. H1: Investor who has a higher tolerance to risk that have significant impact on stock market volatility H2: Investor who has a higher tolerance to risk that have no significant impact on stock market volatility Risk Aversive Investor: People who tend towards lower risk behavior are less willing to engage in risky adventurous behavior due to their low risk tolerance. That is, this kind of investor has a high degree of risk perception in financial products. H3: Investor who are risk aversive has significant impact on stock market volatility H4: Investor who are risk aversive has no significant impact on stock market volatility Risk Neutral Investor: Someone is completely indifferent to the risk involved an investment and is only concerned about expected return. H5: Investor who are risk neutral has significant impact on stock market volatility H6: Investor who are risk neutral has no significant impact on stock market volatility Methodology: (Sample Data Collection) Sample is taken from Islamabad stock exchange and data collection is based on primary data using questionnaire consist of five likert scale including Strongly Agree, Agree, No Strong Opinion, Disagree, Strongly Disagree to analyze the dependent and nondependent variables. The questionnaire sample obtained from the valid source à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Scottish Life Risk Attitude Profiling Questionnaire is based on the Byrne Blake Risk Profile Questionnaireà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? [2] . The Respondents which have obtained during the research work are 30 that included 20 brokers, 10 small investors i.e Man, Woman having different qualification, age and income groups. To analyze the data being a researcher we used Regression and correlation in SPSS to see the impact and relationship between variables. Data Analysis and Discussion The results drawn from statistical analysis is based on regression analysis. As the independent variable is comprised of three facets i.e, risk aversion, risk taking and risk neutral so several hierarchical regression analyses are performed to formally check the hypothesis. Separate regression analyses are run for analyzing independent-dependent relationship. Regression has been used in order to measure that how much variation in dependent variables has been caused by independent variable. The results are as follows: Risk Aversion (a) Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .467(a) .218 .048 .48900 Interpretation Table illustrate that value of R Square is 0.218 which is equal to 21.8 %. This means that independent variable i.e. risk aversion is accounting for 21.8 % of variation in the dependent variable i.e stock market. (b) ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F 1 Regression 1.535 5 .307 1.284 Residual 5.500 23 .239 Total 7.034 28 a. Predictors: (Constant), risk aversion b. Dependent Variable: Stock market Interpretation F ( 1. 101) = 1.284 ; P Since the value of P is less than 0.01, so we can say that the overall effect of this independent variable is highly significant. RISK Tolerance (a) Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .442(a) .195 -.025 .50735 Predictors: (Constant), risk tolerance Interpretation Table illustrate that value of R Square is 0.195 which is equal to 19.5 %. This means that independent variable i.e. risk tolerance is accounting for 19.5 % of variation in the dependent variable i.e. stock market. (b) ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F 1 Regression 1.372 6 .229 .888 Residual 5.663 22 .257 Total 7.034 28 a. Predictors: (Constant), risk tolerance b. Dependent Variable: Stock market Interpretation F ( 1. 101) = 0.888 ; P Since the value of P is less than 0.01, so we can say that the overall effect of this independent variable is highly significant. Risk Neutral (a) Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .687(a) .472 -.056 .51517 Predictors: (Constant), risk tolerance Interpretation Table illustrate that value of R Square is 0.472 which is equal to 47.2 %. This means that independent variable i.e. risk neutral is accounting for 19.5 % of variation in the dependent variable i.e. stock market. (b) ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F 1 Regression 3.319 14 .237 .893 Residual 3.716 14 .265 Total 7.034 28 Predictors: (Constant), risk neutral Dependent Variable: Stock market Interpretation F (1. 101) = 0.893; P CONCLUSION This study uses the questionnaire approach to test the risk attitudes and returns expectations of investors of particular Islamabad stock exchange. There are different trends and economic crisis that rapidly changed the attitude of investors of male and female. Variance analysis also found that less experienced investors have lower risk propensity and higher risk perception. However, considering individual attitude and perception about returns of stock market either influenced positively or negatively that assessed during research questionnaire. In the test model, investor experience and their risk propensity is in positive correlation. So, the conclusion of this study is consistent with recent literature, however the relationship between risk attitude and expected returns has not yet been determined as successful and strong empirical result. RECOMMENDATIONS Researcher recommended the followings ways to gain higher return from their investing attitude. Compare current stock value with historical results of securities or bonds markets. If you are risk aversive and need higher income during shorter period of time and at low risk, you will need to find other financial instruments.  As we know that, there is direct correlation between risk and income. The higher is income, the higher is risk so investor should ensure about their instruments worth in which he/she going to invest such can be divided as follows: bank savings, bonds and shares.  Another issue is that somehow media reports negatively about stock market return so, investor rapidly change their mind set as the framing heuristic applied without thinking the validity of information. So investor should protect his or her investments. Having purchased securities, keep monitoring securities market periodically. Other Recommendations are that Do not spread the whole money in the market and prefer to invest in only those companies that pay a dividend and that have a history of raising their dividend every year. Investor should forget making a profit; instead focus on the income provided from the stock portfolio and make every stock purchase with the intent that the purchase will be a long-term investment. Develop a savings plan to add to your holdings each quarter to help dividend reinvestments to accumulate more shares on a cost averaging basis. REFERENCES Amos Tversky; Daniel Kahneman Science, New Series, Vol. 185, No. 4157. (Sep. 27, 1974), pp. 1124-1131. Jaimie Sung, Sherman Hanna, Factors related to risk tolerance, Financial Counseling and Planning, Vol. 7,1996, pag. 14). Levin Irwin P., Mary A. Snyder and Daniel P. Chapman (1975), The Interaction of Experiential and Situational Factors and Gender in a Simulated Risky Decision-Making Task, Journal of Psychology, 1988, 122(2),pp. 173-181) Powell Melanie, and David Ansic (1997), Gender Differences in Risk Behaviour in Financial Decision-Making: An Experimental Analysis, Journal of Economic Psychology, 18(6), 1998, pp. 605-628. Risk Attitude Profiling questionnaire Source: Sitkin and Pablo (1992) Review of management Review-1992.vol 17, No.1, p-38). Shyan-Rong Chou, Gow-Liang Huang, Hui-Lin Hsu (2010) International Research Journal of Finance and Economics ISSN 1450-2887 Issue 44 (2010)  © Euro Journals Publishing, Inc. 2010. Investor Attitudes Towards Risk on Stock Market Investor Attitudes Towards Risk on Stock Market For the abnormal return in stock market, investor attitudes will become increasingly important. This paper attempts to analyze the impact of investor attitude towards risk that have a greater influence on stock market .In this study researcher focused on particular Islamabad stock market and obtain primary data based on five point Likert scale from investor of ISE. The data indicate that investors have substantially different attitudes toward various investments. However, there are significant statistical differences between attitudes of the investor groups in their attitudes toward three risk types. These data also show significant differences in attitudes toward risk. After analyzing the data through the Regression and Correlation, including ANOVA test, the result found the significance impact of variables on stock market. Introduction The whole financial theory is based on the basic hypothesis of rational investor on the financial markets. This rationality is characterized by a continuous quest of the investors to maximize their utility function (actually maximizing the return of the investment for a given risk level or minimizing the risk for an expected return level). In spite their rationality; investors have a different perception over risk, its bearing having an important psychological factor. Most investors show different attitude towards risk like motivated risk aversion, but we can find on the financial markets. While risk behavior has been studied intensely and a large number of risk perception. Through attention to risk perception and risk propensity which are mediators in attitude transaction, financial institutions can realize the effects on investor behavior and their returns expectations. The first section of this paper is the introduction, the second section is the literature review, the third secti on establishes hypothesis model, the fourth section presents the study results and the fifth section is the conclusion and recommendations.Different Studies are available; far less research exists regarding peoples mind-sets towards risk taking, i.e., risk attitudes, such as, risk aversion, risk tolerance and risk neutral. These can be conceptualized as two poles of a one-dimensional attitude towards risk-taking but also as two separate concepts. It is widely assumed that people differ considerably in their attitude towards risks, ranging from good sense to risk-seeking and even pleasure in risk-taking. The first trial of conceptualizing the investors risk aversion belongs to Milton Friedman and Leonard Savage (Milton Friedman, Leonard Savage Utility Analysis of Choices Involving Risk, JPE, 1948) who defined the risk aversion by using the following decisional situation: an investor who can chose among comparable investments will always chose the one with the lowest risk. Explaining the investment behavior using the returns of risky financial investments utility function brought a new perspective to the risk aversion theory. Further studies showed that there are also other factors with direct impact over the attitude towards risk (economic growth forecasts of a market, the level of training and the experience gained, fluctuations of the exchange market, psychological factors, biases and heuristics etc.). This paper follows studies conducted with investors to examine investor attitudes and behavior towards inherent risk and potential returns in stock market. Statement of the Problem The problem statement of research was à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Impact of Investor Attitude towards Risk on Stock Marketà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Major variables used in this study include stock market return volatility and risk attitude i.e risk tolerance, risk aversive, risk neutral variables that are the indicators of investor attitude. Objective: the objectives of research are:- To study how these attitude types are affecting the stock market. To find whether there is any relationship between stock market index and investor behavior. Significance of the Study The market return fluctuate according to events and trends , the human mind also have some psychological factor that can be influenced or might directs towards good or bad decision making regarding investment. From this study individual investor can get knowledge how their behavior that can maximize or minimize their utility in investment plan in market portfolio. They can change their behavior accordingly. Every Kind of individual like small investor including Man, Women with different status i.e. single or Martial with different age can change their mind set and able to understand how they should make decision to see the market trends or events. Review of Literature There is lot work has been done so far in this regard. Now we have overview some of researcher works in this section of the paper as review literature. With the reference of research topic, some of studies are being done in which all the variables includes Risk attitude factors i.e; Risk Aversion, Risk Tolerance, Risk are taken into consideration to define the impact of those variables on stock market. Levin, Synder and chapman (1975) were concerned with the differences between men and women in accepting the risks of financial investments, they focused on a group of 110 students using a questionnaire regarding lotteries to check the more risk aversive according to gender differentiation. the results indicating that women are more risk aversive than men Powell and Ansic (1997) questioned a small group regarding property insurance and the exchange market and again found that women are more aversive than men (this study was among the first which analyzed individual aversion towards speculative and pure risks); using information regarding the weight of the funds invested in risky assets. Jaimie Sung and Hannna (1996) analyzed the risk tolerance corresponding to four ethnic groups: Caucasian, Hispanic, Black and others. Given the substantial differences among risk tolerance capacities of these groups (the Caucasians have the highest risk tolerance and the Blacks the lowest) we may assert that this factor has a direct impact on the way investors accept and perceive the risk attached to financial investments. Education also has a direct influence on risk tolerance, as several studies prove a direct link between higher education and the acceptance of higher risk related to investments. The analysis was conducted on four education levels: primary school, high school, college and postgraduate studies. The results demonstrate an intense and direct impact on accepting financial risk: the higher the subjects education, the higher his tolerance to risk. Sitkin and Pablo (1992) developed a model of determinants of risk behavior. In this model, personal risk preferences and past experiences form an important risk factor in which to frame the problem, and social influence also affects the individuals perception. Sitkin and Weingart (1995) extend the Sitkin-Pablo model leading to the definition that risk perception and propensity are the mediators in risk behaviors of uncertainty decision-making. Shyan-Rong Chou, Gow-Liang Huang, Hui-Lin Hsu (2010) has done research on à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Investor Attitudes and Behavior towards Inherent Risk and Potential Returns in Financial Productsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. They establish a model by which to measure attitudes and behavior towards investment risk.They used variables: Risk propensity, Risk perception, Behavior finance, Decision making. They study to form a framework (framing) for interpretation of their respective populations attitudes and behaviors. Empirical results found no difference by gender to investor propensity to take risk, nor in cognitive perception of such. However, higher and lower perceptions of risk were indicated by investors according to their personal investment experience. Investors with little experience in stocks and structured notes were found to have significantly sensitive perception of risk. Thus the model proposed is relevant in finding a positive correlation between experience and propensity of risk, though the un derstanding of such remains uncertain. In respect to financial products other than mutual funds, investor propensity and perception of risk tend to show a negative correlation. Amos Tversky; Daniel Kahneman (1974) defines in their research à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biasesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? that Heuristics that are important feature of the individual decision-making process which may be considered to include thought representativeness and availability. They founded that there is anchoring bias in the decision-making process which arises due to factors such as overconfidence, loss aversion, status quo bias, mental accounting, framing and so on. Investors in the process of assessing the risks and returns are influenced by this anchor effect. All these studies proved the complexity of risk aversion and its subjective dimension, as the estimates are difficult to obtain accurately. Investors have ultimately a unique behavior which results in un balanced price, no matter how adverse they are to risk. Understanding risk aversion offers another perspective for constructing and optimizing risky financial portfolios. Theoretical Frame work Our theoretical frame work is as under: (Independent Variables) Risk Aversion Risk Tolerance Risk Neutral (Dependent Variable) Stock Market Explanation The possibility of physical or social or financial harm /detriment / loss due to a exposure. This is the (dominating) negative perspective; however, there is also a neutral perspective, i.e., risk = uncertainty about the outcomes (good and/or bad ones) of a decision; and a positive perspective. A persons opinion belief about how large the risk associated with a hazard is (regarding negative outcomes) A general perspective of humans mind towards taking or avoiding a risk when deciding how to proceed in situations with uncertain outcomes. Risk Attitude towards taking risks or avoiding risk are; i.e, Risk aversion, Risk Tolerance, Risk Neutral. So, all decisions about how acceptable a risk is in individual or societal terms deepened on market events or trends. The actual behavior of people when facing a risk situation, each investor has unique personal risk tendencies, investment style, and level of risk awareness. These characteristics, in addition to the expectation of returns, help investment decision making and portfolio construction. According to traditional finances capital asset pricing model, due to investor risk aversion, rational investors understand that increased investment risk demands return with a higher premium. Diagrammatical Expression of Variable: [1] Purpose of the study (Hypothesis Testing) Hypothesis testing offers an enhanced understanding of the relationship that exists among variables. It could also established casual and effect relationship. The research à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Impact of Investor attitude towards risk on Stock Marketà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, includes there are certain variables upon which the growth of Stock Market depends; these are interest rate, Risk Aversion, Risk Tolerance, Risk Neutral ,Uncertainty. Research is being carried out to analyze the nature of the relationship between all these variables. Hypothesis Risk Tolerance Investor: Investors who tend towards higher risk are more adventurous and so are willing to attempt high-risk, high reward investments. H1: Investor who has a higher tolerance to risk that have significant impact on stock market volatility H2: Investor who has a higher tolerance to risk that have no significant impact on stock market volatility Risk Aversive Investor: People who tend towards lower risk behavior are less willing to engage in risky adventurous behavior due to their low risk tolerance. That is, this kind of investor has a high degree of risk perception in financial products. H3: Investor who are risk aversive has significant impact on stock market volatility H4: Investor who are risk aversive has no significant impact on stock market volatility Risk Neutral Investor: Someone is completely indifferent to the risk involved an investment and is only concerned about expected return. H5: Investor who are risk neutral has significant impact on stock market volatility H6: Investor who are risk neutral has no significant impact on stock market volatility Methodology: (Sample Data Collection) Sample is taken from Islamabad stock exchange and data collection is based on primary data using questionnaire consist of five likert scale including Strongly Agree, Agree, No Strong Opinion, Disagree, Strongly Disagree to analyze the dependent and nondependent variables. The questionnaire sample obtained from the valid source à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Scottish Life Risk Attitude Profiling Questionnaire is based on the Byrne Blake Risk Profile Questionnaireà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? [2] . The Respondents which have obtained during the research work are 30 that included 20 brokers, 10 small investors i.e Man, Woman having different qualification, age and income groups. To analyze the data being a researcher we used Regression and correlation in SPSS to see the impact and relationship between variables. Data Analysis and Discussion The results drawn from statistical analysis is based on regression analysis. As the independent variable is comprised of three facets i.e, risk aversion, risk taking and risk neutral so several hierarchical regression analyses are performed to formally check the hypothesis. Separate regression analyses are run for analyzing independent-dependent relationship. Regression has been used in order to measure that how much variation in dependent variables has been caused by independent variable. The results are as follows: Risk Aversion (a) Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .467(a) .218 .048 .48900 Interpretation Table illustrate that value of R Square is 0.218 which is equal to 21.8 %. This means that independent variable i.e. risk aversion is accounting for 21.8 % of variation in the dependent variable i.e stock market. (b) ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F 1 Regression 1.535 5 .307 1.284 Residual 5.500 23 .239 Total 7.034 28 a. Predictors: (Constant), risk aversion b. Dependent Variable: Stock market Interpretation F ( 1. 101) = 1.284 ; P Since the value of P is less than 0.01, so we can say that the overall effect of this independent variable is highly significant. RISK Tolerance (a) Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .442(a) .195 -.025 .50735 Predictors: (Constant), risk tolerance Interpretation Table illustrate that value of R Square is 0.195 which is equal to 19.5 %. This means that independent variable i.e. risk tolerance is accounting for 19.5 % of variation in the dependent variable i.e. stock market. (b) ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F 1 Regression 1.372 6 .229 .888 Residual 5.663 22 .257 Total 7.034 28 a. Predictors: (Constant), risk tolerance b. Dependent Variable: Stock market Interpretation F ( 1. 101) = 0.888 ; P Since the value of P is less than 0.01, so we can say that the overall effect of this independent variable is highly significant. Risk Neutral (a) Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .687(a) .472 -.056 .51517 Predictors: (Constant), risk tolerance Interpretation Table illustrate that value of R Square is 0.472 which is equal to 47.2 %. This means that independent variable i.e. risk neutral is accounting for 19.5 % of variation in the dependent variable i.e. stock market. (b) ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F 1 Regression 3.319 14 .237 .893 Residual 3.716 14 .265 Total 7.034 28 Predictors: (Constant), risk neutral Dependent Variable: Stock market Interpretation F (1. 101) = 0.893; P CONCLUSION This study uses the questionnaire approach to test the risk attitudes and returns expectations of investors of particular Islamabad stock exchange. There are different trends and economic crisis that rapidly changed the attitude of investors of male and female. Variance analysis also found that less experienced investors have lower risk propensity and higher risk perception. However, considering individual attitude and perception about returns of stock market either influenced positively or negatively that assessed during research questionnaire. In the test model, investor experience and their risk propensity is in positive correlation. So, the conclusion of this study is consistent with recent literature, however the relationship between risk attitude and expected returns has not yet been determined as successful and strong empirical result. RECOMMENDATIONS Researcher recommended the followings ways to gain higher return from their investing attitude. Compare current stock value with historical results of securities or bonds markets. If you are risk aversive and need higher income during shorter period of time and at low risk, you will need to find other financial instruments.  As we know that, there is direct correlation between risk and income. The higher is income, the higher is risk so investor should ensure about their instruments worth in which he/she going to invest such can be divided as follows: bank savings, bonds and shares.  Another issue is that somehow media reports negatively about stock market return so, investor rapidly change their mind set as the framing heuristic applied without thinking the validity of information. So investor should protect his or her investments. Having purchased securities, keep monitoring securities market periodically. Other Recommendations are that Do not spread the whole money in the market and prefer to invest in only those companies that pay a dividend and that have a history of raising their dividend every year. Investor should forget making a profit; instead focus on the income provided from the stock portfolio and make every stock purchase with the intent that the purchase will be a long-term investment. Develop a savings plan to add to your holdings each quarter to help dividend reinvestments to accumulate more shares on a cost averaging basis. REFERENCES Amos Tversky; Daniel Kahneman Science, New Series, Vol. 185, No. 4157. (Sep. 27, 1974), pp. 1124-1131. Jaimie Sung, Sherman Hanna, Factors related to risk tolerance, Financial Counseling and Planning, Vol. 7,1996, pag. 14). Levin Irwin P., Mary A. Snyder and Daniel P. Chapman (1975), The Interaction of Experiential and Situational Factors and Gender in a Simulated Risky Decision-Making Task, Journal of Psychology, 1988, 122(2),pp. 173-181) Powell Melanie, and David Ansic (1997), Gender Differences in Risk Behaviour in Financial Decision-Making: An Experimental Analysis, Journal of Economic Psychology, 18(6), 1998, pp. 605-628. Risk Attitude Profiling questionnaire Source: Sitkin and Pablo (1992) Review of management Review-1992.vol 17, No.1, p-38). Shyan-Rong Chou, Gow-Liang Huang, Hui-Lin Hsu (2010) International Research Journal of Finance and Economics ISSN 1450-2887 Issue 44 (2010)  © Euro Journals Publishing, Inc. 2010.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Hypatia of Alexandria :: essays research papers
Hypatia of Alexandria Hypatia was born in 370 A.D. in Alexandria, Egypt. From that day on her life was one enriched with a passion for knowledge. Theon, Hypatia’s father whom himself was a mathematician, raised Hypatia in an environment of thought. Both of them formed a strong bond as he taught her his own knowledge and shared his passion in the search of answers to the unknown. Under her fathers discipline he developed a physical routine for her to ensure a healthy body as well as a highly functional mind. Her father instructed her on the different religions of the world and how to influence people with the power of words. Also taught her the fundamentals of teaching so she could be a profound orator. From the teachings of her father, she to became a mathematician and philosopher which she was recognized the head of the Neo-Platonist school of philosophy at Alexandria. Due to her eloquence, modesty, and beauty, combined with her remarkable intellectual gifts, she attracted a large number of pupils . Her students were aristocratic young men, both Pagan and Christian, who rose to occupy influential civil and eccelestrastical positions. They considered Hypatia as their â€Å"divine guide†into the realm of philosophical and cosmic mysteries, which included mathematics. She combined the principles of free thinking and the ideal of pure living. She was known for her prudence, moderation, and self control, and for her ease of manner and her beauty. She was recognized as an eloquent teacher and by 390 A.D. her circle of influence was well-established. She also symbolized learning and science which in time of Western history were largely identified by early Christians with Paganism. As such, she was the focal point in the tension and riots between Christians and non-Christians that racked more than once in Alexandria. In this time Cyril roused negative sentiment toward Orestes and Orestes was attacked by 500 Nitrian monks. Due to Cyril and his negativity and what he caused to happen to Orestes, Hypatia fell victim to the political hostilities due to being a close associate of Orestes and was undoubtedly defamed by Cyril. Admiration for her became resentment and she was perceived as an obstacle to the conciliation of Orestes and Cyril. Being as that, Cyril began planning Hypatia’s most crucial death. In 415 A.D., during Lent, while riding in her chariot through the streets of Alexandria, she was attacked upon by a fanatical mob of antipagan Christians.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Autism :: essays research papers
These kids are blessed with terrific good looks--tall and straight, with big dark eyes, glossy hair and a movie staffs smile-but this wasn’t what was turning heads. Some of these kids were not actually walking towards the line at McDonalds; some were running and somehow skipping at the same time. And the kids were looking and smiling directly at everyone they passed with their fingers in their ears, their elbows flared out on either side. And, further baffling the bourgeoisie, they occasionally stopped and flapped their hands. I was all too aware of the faces of the people we passed. Some smiled, even laughed appreciatively, at their obvious joy at McDonalds. Some nodded to me sadly and knowingly: "Ah, I know how hard their lives are," they seemed to say. Some flinched in exaggerated horror as though from some ghastly space alien from Warner Brothers. Others were cool, spotted them far off and pretended not to see them when they passed. Still others were so used to s uch surpassing weirdness that our little show came nowhere near their threshold of surprise. One reaction, however, was more puzzling to me than all the others. I have come to think of it as "The Look." The passerby's face becomes still and thoughtful. The eyes become narrow, like those of the cunning psychiatrist in an old movie when he asks a patient what the inkblots look like. A hand goes up to the lips and, shifting into field anthropologist mode, the eyewitness stops and stares and nods silently as though making a mental note to write this one down in the journal. It's a locked-on-target look. A piano falling onto the pavement nearby wouldn't jar the stunning logical processes at work. Having been upset by â€Å"The Look†about a thousand times, and being something of an amateur field anthropologist myself, I have often asked this question: "Why do these people act this way?" The best answers that I have been able to come up with are these: (a) They are heartless and rude and should be tortured in some hideous way for upsetting a really nice teacher. (b) They are ignorant and think that humans come in solidly "normal" and "abnormal" forms and have no doubt about what kind they themselves are. (c) They saw the movie "Rain Man" and are now experts on autism. (d) They are fearful and are trying to achieve distance from a scary sight by trying to regard it as a rare scientific phenomenon.
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