Monday, August 24, 2020
Yalta Conference in World War II
Yalta Conference in World War II The Yalta Conference was held February 4-11, 1945, and was the subsequent wartime meeting of pioneers from the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union. After showing up at the Crimean resort of Yalta, Allied pioneers wanted to characterize the post-World War II harmony and set up for reconstructing Europe. During the meeting, President Franklin Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet pioneer Joseph Stalin examined the eventual fate of Poland and Eastern Europe, the control of Germany, the arrival of prewar governments to involved nations, and the Soviet passage into the war with Japan. While the members left Yalta satisfied with the outcome, the meeting later was seen as a disloyalty after Stalin broke guarantees in regards to Eastern Europe. Quick Facts: Yalta Conference Struggle: World War II (1939-1945)Date: February 4-11, 1945Participants:United States - President Franklin RooseveltGreat Britain - Prime Minister Winston ChurchillSoviet Union - Joseph StalinWartime Conferences:Casablanca ConferenceTehran ConferencePotsdam Conference Foundation In mid 1945, with World War II in Europe attracting to a nearby, Franklin Roosevelt (United States), Winston Churchill (Great Britain), and Joseph Stalin (USSR) consented to meet to talk about war technique and issues that would influence the after war world. Named the Big Three, the Allied pioneers had met already in November 1943, at the Tehran Conference. Looking for an impartial site for the gathering, Roosevelt recommended a social affair some place on the Mediterranean. While Churchill was in favor, Stalin declined refering to that his PCPs denied him from making any long outings. In lieu of the Mediterranean, Stalin proposed the Black Sea resort of Yalta. Anxious to meet eye to eye, Roosevelt consented to Stalins demand. As the pioneers ventured out to Yalta, Stalin was in the most grounded position as Soviet soldiers were a simple forty miles from Berlin. This was fortified by the home court bit of leeway of facilitating the gathering in the USSR. Further debilitating the western Allies position was Roosevelts bombing wellbeing and Britains progressively junior position comparative with the US and USSR. With the appearance of each of the three appointments, the gathering opened on February 4, 1945. Plans Every pioneer came to Yalta with a plan. Roosevelt wanted Soviet military help against Japan following the annihilation of Germany and Soviet interest in the United Nations, while Churchill was centered around making sure about free decisions for Soviet-freed nations in Eastern Europe. Counter to Churchills want, Stalin looked to fabricate a Soviet range of authority in Eastern Europe to secure against future dangers. Notwithstanding these drawn out issues, the three powers additionally expected to build up an arrangement for administering after war Germany. <img information srcset= 300w, 481w, 662w, 1024w information src= src=//:0 alt=Yalta Conference class=lazyload information click-tracked=true information img-lightbox=true information expand=300 id=mntl-sc-square image_1-0-13 information following container=true /> Yalta Conference, left to right: Secretary of State Edward Stettinius, Maj. Gen. L. S. Kuter, Admiral E. J. Lord, General George C. Marshall, Ambassador Averell Harriman, Admiral William Leahy, and President F. D. Roosevelt. Livadia Palace, Crimea, Russia. Library of Congress Poland Not long after the gathering opened, Stalin took a firm position on the issue of Poland, refering to that twice in the past thirty years it had been utilized as an intrusion passageway by the Germans. Moreover, he expressed that the Soviet Union would not restore the land attached from Poland in 1939, and that the country could be repaid with land taken from Germany. While these terms were non-debatable, he was happy to consent to free decisions in Poland. While the last satisfied Churchill, it before long turned out to be evident that Stalin had no expectation of regarding this guarantee. Germany Concerning Germany, it was concluded that the vanquished country would be isolated into three zones of occupation, one for every one of the Allies, with a comparative arrangement for the city of Berlin. While Roosevelt and Churchill supported for a fourth zone for the French, Stalin would possibly assent if the region was taken from the American and British zones. In the wake of reasserting that lone unlimited acquiescence would be satisfactory the Big Three concurred that Germany would experience neutralization and denazification, just as that some war reparations would be as constrained work. Japan Pushing on the issue of Japan, Roosevelt tied down a guarantee from Stalin to enter the contention ninety days after the thrashing of Germany. As an end-result of Soviet military help, Stalin requested and got American political acknowledgment of Mongolian autonomy from Nationalist China. Folding on this point, Roosevelt would have liked to manage the Soviets through the United Nations, which Stalin agreed to join in the wake of casting a ballot systems in the Security Council were characterized. Coming back to European undertakings, it was mutually concurred that the first, prewar governments would be come back to freed nations. Special cases were made in the instances of France, whose legislature had become collaborationist, and Romania and Bulgaria where the Soviets had viably destroyed the administrative frameworks. Further supporting this was an explanation that all uprooted regular folks would be come back to their nations of beginning. Consummation on February 11, the three heads left Yalta feeling celebratory. This underlying perspective on the gathering was shared by the individuals in every country, at the end of the day demonstrated brief. With Roosevelts demise in April 1945, relations between the Soviets and the West turned out to be progressively tense. Outcome As Stalin reneged on guarantees concerning Eastern Europe, impression of Yalta changed and Roosevelt was accused for successfully surrendering Eastern Europe to the Soviets. While his unforeseen weakness may have influenced his judgment, Roosevelt had the option to make sure about certain concessions from Stalin during the gathering. In spite of this, many came to see the gathering as a sellout that extraordinarily energized Soviet development in Eastern Europe and upper east Asia. The pioneers of the Big Three would meet again that July for the Potsdam Conference. During the gathering, Stalin was viably ready to have the choices of Yalta confirmed as he had the option to exploit new US President Harry S. Truman and a difference in power in Britain that saw Churchill supplanted mostly through the meeting by Clement Attlee.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Definition of an Angle
The Definition of an Angle In arithmetic, especially geometry, edges are framed by two raysâ (or lines) that start at a similar point or offer a similar endpoint. The point gauges the measure of turn between the two arms or sides of an edge and is typically estimated in degrees or radians. Where the two beams converge or meet is known as the vertex.â An edge is characterized by its measure (for instance, degrees) and isn't reliant upon the lengths of the sides of the point. History of the Word The word angleâ comes from the Latin word angulus, which means corner. It isâ related to the Greek word ankylî ¿sâ meaning screwy, bended, and the English word lower leg. Both Greek and English words originate from the Proto-Indo-Europeanâ root word ank- meaning to twist or bow.â Sorts of Angles Edges that are actually 90 degrees are called right edges. Edges under 90 degrees are called intense points. An angleâ that is actually 180 degrees is known as a straight angleâ (this shows up as a straight line). Edges that are more noteworthy than 90 degrees and under 180 degrees are calledâ obtuse points. Points that are bigger than a straight edge however under 1 turn (between 180 degrees and 360 degrees) are calledâ reflex edges. An edge that is 360 degrees, or equivalent to one full turn, is known as a full edge or complete edge. For a case of a heartless edge, the edge of a commonplace house housetop is regularly framed at a coldhearted edge. An insensitive edge is more prominent than 90 degrees since water would pool on the roofâ (if it was 90 degrees) or if the rooftop didn't have a descending plot for water to flow.â Naming an Angle Points are typically named utilizing letters in order letters to distinguish the various pieces of the edge: the vertex and every one of the beams. For instance, edge BAC, distinguishes an edge with An as the vertex. It is encased by the beams, B and C. Here and there, to rearrange the naming of the edge, it is just considered point A. Vertical and Adjacent Angles At the point when two straight lines converge at a point, four edges are framed, for instance, A, B, C, and D edges. A couple of edges inverse one another, framed by two converging straight lines that structure a X-like shape, are calledâ vertical anglesâ orâ opposite edges. The contrary edges are perfect representations of one another. Theâ degree of edges will be the equivalent. Those sets are named first.â Since those edges have a similar measure ofâ degrees, those points are considered equalâ orâ congruent.â For instance, imagine that the letter X is a case of those four edges. The top piece of the X frames an angular shape, that would be named edge A. The level of that point is actually equivalent to the base piece of the X, which frames a ^ shape, and that would be called edge B. In like manner, the different sides of the X structure an and a shape. Those future edges C and D. Both C and D would have similar degrees, they are inverse points and are compatible. In this equivalent model, edge An and point C and are adjoining one another, they share an arm or side. Additionally, in this model, the points are valuable, which imply that every one of the two edges joined equivalents 180 degrees (one of those straight lines that converged to shape the four edges). The equivalent can be said of point An and edge D.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
An Overview of Social Anxiety Disorder
An Overview of Social Anxiety Disorder August 01, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children In This Article Table of Contents Expand Types Symptoms and Diagnosis Causes Treatment Coping and Self-Help In Children and Teens Social anxiety disorder (SAD) involves a fear of social and performance situations in which others may negatively judge you. Although its common for people to experience some nervousness or feel butterflies in their stomach, most people with the disorder are extremely self-conscious and have physical symptoms such as nausea, shaking, or feeling faint when they are around people or performing. Luckily, there are strategies that help take control of the situation. Illustration by Brianna Gilmartin, Verywell Types The current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) differentiates between what used to be known as generalized versus specific SAD by adding the specifier performance only, meaning that a person only experiences anxiety in performance situations.?? Generalized Social Anxiety Those with fears about most social and performance situations were previously categorized as having generalized social anxiety disorder in the DSM-IV, including the following: speaking to authority figuresgoing on datesstarting conversations giving speeches They are usually uncomfortable around anyone but their closest family members or friends. Generalized SAD is considered to be more severe than performance-only social anxiety disorder and is usually accompanied by greater impairment in day-to-day functioning. Performance-Only Social Anxiety A person with performance-only SAD will have anxiety and fear linked to only performance situations. For instance, a person could have a fear of public speaking but experience no anxiety in casual social gatherings. This form of social anxiety can still be extremely harmful, as it may limit you from career advancement or other performance-related achievements.?? People who only fear performance situations tend to be different from those with generalized social anxiety disorder in terms of how old they are when they first experience anxiety, the physical symptoms they experience, and how they respond to treatment. Symptoms and Diagnosis The symptoms of social anxiety disorder fall into three categories: physical (e.g., blushing, sweating, and shaking)cognitive (e.g., negative thoughts and beliefs)behavioral (e.g., avoidance and safety behaviors) A proper diagnosis for SAD requires that a number of specific criteria are met in accordance with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Related disorders include selective mutism and childhood-onset fluency disorder (stuttering). Selective mutism refers to the failure to speak in situations, such as a child who never speaks in school. Stuttering reflects problems with verbal fluency or being able to speak without a stutter in front of other people.?? Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms and Diagnosis Causes The causes of social anxiety disorder are believed to be a combination of genetic factors, environmental factors (e.g. observational learning), societal factors (e.g., cultural influences), and brain structure/biological factors. While these factors may involve risk for developing the disorder, not everyone who has one or more risk factors will be diagnosed with SAD.?? What Causes Social Anxiety Disorder? Treatment Regardless of whether you have generalized or performance-related symptoms, effective treatment is available. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), a form of psychotherapy that addresses current problems and reframes negative thinking, can be very helpful. Through CBT, you will learn strategies and techniques to help you cope with different situations. After completing cognitive behavioral therapy, many people with anxiety say that it changed their lives and opened doors for them; they can do things they never thought they could, like travel or perform in front of others.?? In some cases, particularly for those with severe generalized social anxiety disorder, a doctor may recommend that you try medication. This can help to calm your mind and decrease some of the physical aspects of your anxiety, allowing you to better focus on therapy and begin to make progress.?? Look for a therapist who specializes in anxiety disorders. Without a background in these conditions, your therapist may not fully understand your symptoms or may minimize or too easily dismiss what you are feeling. A healthcare provider who understands social anxiety disorder and cognitive behavioral therapy will work with you to develop effective strategies to manage the disorder. Your primary care physician may be able to refer you to a mental health professional. Try starting by sharing your feelings and symptoms with your primary doctor and going from there. Remember, taking the first step can be intimidating, but ultimately you will be happy you sought help in understanding what you need to cope. Social Anxiety Disorder Discussion Guide Get our printable guide to help you ask the right questions at your next doctors appointment. Download PDF The 7 Best Online Anxiety Support Groups Coping and Self-Help Self-help strategies for social anxiety disorder include social coping strategies such as learning to be assertive, emotional coping strategies such as learning to calm panic when it starts, and day-to-day coping strategies such as asking for accommodations at work. Self-help strategies are best used for mild to moderate social anxiety.?? The Best Self-Help Strategies for Social Anxiety Disorder In Children and Teens Social anxiety disorder in children and teens may appear differently than in adults. Young children with the disorder may cling to a parent, have a tantrum when forced into a social situation, refuse to play with other kids, cry, or complain of an upset stomach or other physical problem.?? In some cases, children may even be too frightened to speak in certain situations. In contrast, adolescents with SAD may avoid group gatherings altogether or show little interest in having friends.?? In any case, strategies similar to those used in adults can help. How to Recognize Social Anxiety Disorder in Children and Teens A Word From Verywell It is important to understand the type of social anxiety disorder diagnosis you have been given. Work with your doctor or mental health professional to learn more about your diagnosis and what it means in terms of your treatment and prognosis. If your diagnosis includes the performance only specifier, treatment tailored to the specific performance situations that cause you anxiety is preferred.?? Signs That You May Have Social Anxiety Disorder
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Experience - 796 Words
First Amendment: Religion and Education Grand Canyon University: POS: 500 October 20, 2015 Religion and the First Amendment An examination of the First Amendment legal issues that arise when a student turns in an essay and the displaying of religious nature for an assignment will provide insight into how the First Amendment applies to classroom assignments. Each reason will provide important insight, information, and court cases to better help in giving a view of the first amendment in regards to religion and education. Legal Issues Regarding Grading of Assignment When grading a student essay, there are some legal issue that need to be considered. As a teacher, you cannot not accept a student’s work due to it containing†¦show more content†¦One case that caught my eye was the O.T. v. Frenchtown Elementary School District Board of Education, where a student performed in an afterschool talent show and wanted to sing the song â€Å"Awesome God.†The school violated her rights due to her performance not bearing the imprimatur of the school and her viewpoint being discriminated (O.T. v. Frenchtown Elementary School District Board of Education). Application of First Amendment to the Scenario The First Amendment is designed to protect all citizens by giving them the right to express themselves in different ways. In doing so, we still have to be careful on how we do it. Students have the right to express themselves as long as it does not cause any disruption. In my school district, we abides by the First Amendment by not forbidding all mention of religion in the school system (Pamlico County Board of Education, 2015). The only part that is prohibited is the advancement or inhibition of religion (Pamlico County Board of Education, 2015). My school district feels that there’s nothing unconstitutional about using religious subjects or materials as long as it is in compliance to the neutrality of the education program (Pamlico County Board of Education, 2015). Conclusion When working with students assignments that deals with religion, we as educators have to take various things into considerations. We have to allow students the opportunity to express themselves even when dealing with religiousShow MoreRelatedPersonal Experience : My Experience920 Words  | 4 PagesMy Personal Experience Whatever experience, we have either good, bad or ugly; our experience reflects on our behavior or action. In life everybody has their own experience; as Lewis N. Roe said â€Å"personal experiences are probably the most convincing reason to believe for any individual who has had them†. My personal experience is the 1st hand experience that belongs to my private events that have taken place in my life. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The American Dream Myth Anastasia And Anastasia
Social class creates a stratification in society that divides and unequally distributes power and privilege based on money, inheritance, wealth, and assets. The power associated with social class affects how one operates in life when it comes to making decisions and motives for committing actions. A childhood motion picture that depicts this idea is Anastasia. Anastasia is an American produced, fictional musical loosely based off of the Russian Empire Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova. Anastasia follows the orphaned Grand Duchess Anya, who suffers from retrograde amnesia, on her quest to find her family. She is joined by two swindlers who seek to con the Dowager Empress Marie Ferdorovna into believing that Anya is the long lost†¦show more content†¦Petersburg, who are noticeably lower class, begin to plot and scheme in â€Å"A Rumor in St. Petersburg†by selling, what they claim are, â€Å"authentic†items belonging to the fallen Romanov family, incl uding Anastasia. They are motivated to deceive others in order to receive monetary rewards. More specifically, Dimitri and Vlad, whose jobs are never disclosed but they are dressed in dull and mundane clothing (so it can be assumed that they are of lower class), brag about how they plan on committing the â€Å"biggest con in history†by finding a girl who can play the role of princess Anastasia. It is important to question why they would be willing to go through such drastic measures. The reoccurring theme in Anastasia is those in the lower class are motivated by money. With them belonging to the lower class, where money is not readily available item, they must accomplish their goal of attaining money by any means necessary. Hence, the working class actions are driven by the thought of obtaining money. Moreover, Anastasia illustrates how those in the upper class can use their class as a means to meet their immaterial needs. The Grand Royal Duchess is motivated to find her long lost granddaughter because she seeks the thing that money cannot buy: love. Marx argues that money is the â€Å"external, universal means and power to change representation into reality†(Marx 272). Empress Dowager is able to use ten million rubles to represent the return of her granddaughter. By making theShow MoreRelatedNevada Gambling Essay2412 Words  | 10 PagesIt legitimized a small but lucrative industry. That same year construction started on the Hoover Dam Project which, at its peak, employed 5,128 people. The young town of Las Vegas virtually was insulated from economic hardships that wracked most Americans in the 1930s. Jobs and money were prevalent because of Final Project 3 Union Pacific Railroad development, legal gambling and construction of Hoover Dam 34 miles away in Black Canyon on the Colorado River. World War II stalled major resort growth
Colour Blindness Free Essays
Colour blindness is a very well known deficiency that affects approximately 8% of the population worldwide (Fluck 2006). People who are colour blind are not technically blind, they have a decreased ability to identify colours and in the most extreme cases, not able to see colours at all. The technical term for being colour blind is achromatopsia which means the inability to see any colours at all. We will write a custom essay sample on Colour Blindness or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, most people are only colour deficient and not fully color blind therefore they can be classified as monochromatic, which means the ability to see one colour, or dichromatic, the ability to see two colours. Colour blindness is a congenital and permanent mutation of the X chromosome, which is passed on to an offspring by the mother. The most typical case of this deficiency originates from a fault in the development of sets of retinal cones that perceive colour in light and transmit that information to the optic nerve. Men are more likely to have a form of colour blindness due to the fact that the only have a single X chromosome compared to women who have two. For a woman to become colour blind both of her X chromosomes must be mutated compared to only one for a man. At first glance one would think that being colour blind would have no evolutionary advantages at all, however, that is not the case. US Military studies have shown that soldiers who are colour blind are much better at distinguishing camouflage compared to soldiers without the deficiency (Boring 1945). Even with this skill, most people would consider being colour blind to be a disadvantage on everyday life. Boring, Edwin G. (ed. ) Psychology for the Armed Services Washington: The National Research Council – The Infantry Journal, 1945. http://www. straightdope. com/columns/read/3037/is-colorblindness-an-evolutionary-advantage How to cite Colour Blindness, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
The fashion of Destiny Review Essay Example
The fashion of Destiny Review Paper Essay on The fashion of Destiny Once upon a time, in my Soviet childhood, when it was difficult to get not only delicacies and clothing, but also books, my uncle brought from Moscow deficit The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Fashion, written by our Czechoslovak brothers. What was the book ! Just fantastic. An infinite number of pictures, a lot of interesting facts. Since then, in me woke up interest in fashion, and to the history of fashion, which is directly linked to the other has always interested me things -. Economics, politics, art, sometimes even literature and history as such Recently, my network as denrozhdennogo gift came upon a book by Alexander Vassiliev. It is made up of articles from different times that are picked up and reinterpreted in view of the present day. The book consists of two sections: History of Fashion and Legends. As might be expected, the first part is written much better than the second. Easily, gracefully and concisely Vasiliev lays out a variety of facts and reflections. About cashmere shawls, about the history of underwear, a ladys natural cat in the 30s in the Soviet Union, about what the article of clothing we had priestesses of love, diamonds, about the famous Russian models emigrant of the first half of the twentieth century, on the that the division of the shoe on the right and left there was only half a century ago, on how to dress up, Putin and Medvedev, on the vogue for vintage, that we should not confuse the office with a house of tolerance, about metrosexuals, about wigs, of Charles Frederick Worth, and many others. Re ading all this, and you see dearest Mr. Vasiliev in the mind-blowing scarf. In the old days there were naked ladies under the petticoats. Im right I can imagine how he speaks! There in the book and details that can please bibliophile:. Epigraphs from Turgenev quotes from Averchenko or description of the costume of the hero Dangerous Liaisons » We will write a custom essay sample on The fashion of Destiny Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The fashion of Destiny Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The fashion of Destiny Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The second part tells about the fate of fashion designers, dancers, artists and actors. Vera Cold, Alexander Benois, Elsa Schiaparelli, Coco Chanel, Galina Panova and others. This section may please The fate of great men, but not the manner of presentation of biographies. Some of the essays are written very messy, some are too short, others too tight. However, I learned a lot of interesting Do not have a compelling reason to judge strictly these things work, put 4 + And for dessert, an old French proverb:..  « to be beautiful must be born beautiful, but to seem beautiful it is necessary to suffer  »!
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
History of the Pharisees in Christianity
History of the Pharisees in Christianity Much of what is known about the Pharisees arguably comes from Biblical sources, specifically from the Christian tradition. There were many instances in the Gospels when Jesus was confronted by the Pharisees and vice versa. For the Pharisees, the â€Å"meticulous observance of the Torah and its commandments †¦ reflects the highest form of divine service.†1 From this perspective the self-righteous stance of the Pharisees is very much evident and it is contrasted with the humility exhibited by the common people of that era.2Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on History of the Pharisees in Christianity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Pharisees are hated and reviled by those who condemn a narrow-minded approach to applying traditions. But a close examination of their history and belief system will reveal that they are not evil people and that they have many things in common with religious conservative s of today. There are those who may read the Christian Bible and make the conclusion that the Pharisees were the top religious party when it comes to Judaism but there are those who argue that this group were simply one of the several sects â€Å"each of limited membership, competing for the attention of the unaffiliated majority.†3 Nevertheless, a conservative assessment of the extent of their power and influence had to give way to the realization that the Pharisees were â€Å"the largest and ultimately most influential of all the sects present during the 1st century.4 Nevertheless, the group’s rise to prominence was due in part to the spirit of the times when the masses wanted to break free from the oppression of the Roman Empire and the lack of satisfaction they felt with their religion. Furthermore, scholars like Smith pointed out the necessity of entrusting the Jewish population to the control of the Pharisees after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD also expl ains their rise to power even after the time of Christ.5 Thus, it can be argued that the religious and political party of the Sadducees was established first. Afterwards the Pharisees came into the picture in the hopes of instituting reforms in Jewish society. They strengthened their position so that they were able to overshadow the Sadducees in later years so much so that â€Å"the active period of Pharasaism, the most influential movement in the development of Orthodox Judaism, extended well into the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD.6 But during time of Christ the Pharisees were on equal footing with the Sadducees. If the politics of 1st century Jewish society can be reduced to two dominant parties then the Sadducees and the Pharisees takes the top two positions.Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Before going any further it is important to pinpoint the early begin nings of Pharisaism and the emergence of the Pharisees. There are scholars who believe that the rise of the Pharisees can be traced back to the return of the Judean exiles from Babylon.7 It was during this period when the Pentateuch was canonized.8 The breakaway group was steadily formed when certain Jews lament the fact that not all the laws practiced by before the Babylonian captivity were included in the Pentateuch. The Sadducees – the political party of the high priesthood – cannot accept any teaching or rule that cannot be found in the Pentateuch or the written law.9 It is easy to understand why the Sadducees would not give in because in their mind, traditions and the written code are the basis for any action or decision-making process. There is stability to traditions and there is a level of certainty when one adheres to something that has been in use for hundreds of years. In other words the Sadducees founded their belief system on the written law while the Phar isees wanted to expand the scope to include both written and oral laws. The Sadducees are in a formidable position because they can point to Moses as the giver of laws. Furthermore, the written law that they have covers a broad spectrum of social, religious and moral issues. The Pharisees, however, insisted that the oral laws are as important as the written laws because the oral laws clearly explain the spirit of the law. The Pharisees did not conjure these ideas out of thin air; using the written law they were able to prove that indeed oral laws must be used side-by-side with the written law. Consider the following examples: In the book of Jeremiah it is stated that when the prophet bought a field from Hanamel he wrote a deed in the presence of witnesses who affixed their signatures. There is no mention in the Pentateuch of the requirement of a deed and witness in the transfer of a real property. In the book of II Kings we learn that if a man did not pay his debts his creditors had the right to take him into servitude. If he died and left the debt unpaid the creditor could enslave his children †¦ it is stated in the book of Haggai that God told the prophet to examine the priests on the laws of sanctity and impurity. These two laws are not found in the Pentateuch.10 The examples given provide a clear overview as to why the Pharisees insisted on the importance of the oral laws and to be respected as having equal importance as the written law. If the oral laws that were found in the book of Jeremiah, II Kings and Haggai are indeed part of a collection of oral laws that was intentionally lost after the canonization of the Pentateuch, then there is good reason for the emergence of the Pharisees. The examples given cover social and religious aspects of Jewish life.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on History of the Pharisees in Christianity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore it ca n be argued that without the aid of oral laws the Jews would then have to contend with their present situation using laws that are antiquated because these were established during the time of Moses and several centuries removed from the circumstances surrounding 1st century Judaism. It does not mean that the written law was not able to resolve many of the problems of Jewish contemporary society but a close examination of the oral laws mentioned earlier reveals the importance of oral laws when it comes to providing information to correctly interpret the Pentateuch and helps in the application of the written law. Consider for instance the circumstances surrounding Judea during the time of Christ. It was vastly different from the circumstances that surrounded Moses and his mission to rescue slaves from Egypt and bring them to their ultimate destination. In the first century AD the Jews had to contend with an occupying force that threatened to transform their religion and culture with a n equally powerful force which was the Greco-Roman culture. Based on the historical background provided it is now easier to understand why the Pharisees had to form another religious party to oppose the Sadducees. In a time of national crisis, it was imperative to have a clear and full understanding of the law. The Pharisees believed that it can only be achieved if the Jews study both the written and oral laws. In other words the Sadducees view the Pentateuch as a core foundation that every legal and moral statute can be hinged on. The Pharisees on the other hand sees it differently, in their opinion it is an incomplete set of laws and without the balancing effect of the second part (oral laws) they can never be assured that they are truly obedient to the laws of God. The Pharisees’ insistence for Jews to observe oral laws goes beyond the need to deal with the contemporary society. In the book of Haggai and oral law regarding purification and impurity was mentioned. If one on ly values the Pentateuch then it is easy to forget the statute embedded in the book of Haggai because it is not found in the written law. However, the issue mentioned there is of grave importance to the Pharisees because it talks about purity. In other words the Pharisees could never feel the assurance that they have carefully observed the laws of God if they will only rely on the written law. They needed both.Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Conclusion For many people the Pharisees are nothing more than religious fanatics. Their many confrontations with Jesus Christ revealed the dark side of this particular religious party. But upon closer examination of the historical data, one tends to agree that the Pharisees simply wanted to obey the laws of God. Their insistence to observe both the written and oral law is not based on the desire to create something new. They contended that contemporary society has to be guided by oral laws and the written law. The oral laws provide insight into the application of written law. But more importantly the Pharisees believed that Jews cannot have the assurance that they have carefully observed the laws of God if they neglect the oral laws. Bibliography Cadbury, Henry. â€Å"Review: Christianity’s Treatment of the Pharisees.†The Journal of Religion 9 no. 2 (1929): 299-302. Goodblatt, D. â€Å"The Place of the Pharisees in First Century Judaism: The State of the Debate.â₠¬ Journal for the Study of Judaism 20 no. 1 (2004): 12-30. Skeel Jr., David. â€Å"What were Jesus and the Pharisees Talking About when they talked about the Law?†Journal of Law and Religion 23 no.1 (2007): 141-146. Pharisee, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2011, Zeitlin, Solomon. â€Å"The Pharisees: A Historical Study.†The Jewish Quarterly Review 52 no.2 (1961): 97-129. Footnotes 1 David Skeel, Jr., â€Å"What were Jesus and the Pharisees Talking About when they talked about the Law?†Journal of Law and Religion 23 no.1 (2007): 141. 2 Henry Cadbury, â€Å"Review: Christianity’s Treatment of the Pharisees,†The Journal of Religion 9 no. 2 (1929): 300. 3 D. Goodblatt, â€Å"The Place of the Pharisees in First Century Judaism: The State of the Debate,†Journal for the Study of Judaism 20 no. 1 (2004): 13. 4 Goodblatt, 13 5 Ibid. 6 â€Å"Pharisee,†Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2011 7 Ibid. 8 Solomon Zeitlin, â€Å"The Pharisees: A Historical Study,†The Jewish Quarterly Review 52 no.2 (1961): 100 9 Pharisee. 10 Zeitlin, 100
Monday, March 2, 2020
Which Font Should You Use on Your Resume
Which Font Should You Use on Your Resume Individuals who are writing their resumes are swamped with a variety of fonts to choose from, including italic fonts, fonts with fancy curlicues and plain block fonts. Added to that confusion, the font size has to be chosen and resume writers want to find that perfect font that will impress the recruiter but is easy to read. Since you expend enough effort writing your resume and searching job classifieds, you don’t need to stress over what font to use. By using the following tips for the worst and best fonts to use, you can find an appropriate font to use for your resume and spend more time concentrating on that perfect content. CalibriCalibri may be a good choice for a resume for several reasons. It isn’t as commonly used as Arial and using Calibri 12-point will give you an easily read resume that is nicely laid out. Since a good-looking resume is your aim, Calibri may be a good choice.RELATED: Revamp Your Resume: How to Choose FontsHelveticaHelvetica is a Swiss fon t that is highly favored by typographers and designers. It’s clean lines and clarity can be found in a number of corporate logos, including Microsoft. While it comes with Mac, you will have to purchase it as an extra font to use with your Windows program.GeorgiaThis is a traditional looking font and a good change from Times New Roman, which has been overused. Georgia gets a high score for readability, and it was designed to be read on a computer screen and works with both Windows and Mac.GaramondAnother good alternative to Times New Roman, Garamond looks like a classic style with a modern edge to it. It also lets you fit more onto a page without looking like the text is forced into too small a space. Garamond is definitely a good choice for a resume.CambriaIf you have Word, you may have noticed that Cambria is one of the fonts included with the program. Cambria is another font that was designed to be easily read on a computer screen and because of the letter construction, it works well for both printed and online resumes.Gill SansThis English font has been around for many years but was rediscovered and became popular again around 2000. The classic yet modern styling looks good in a resume and is available for Mac OS X and offers several versions in Microsoft Word.Times New RomanThis font is commonly used, but there are reasons to steer clear from it on a resume. One reason is that so many other people use it. Because they do, it won’t stand out from the rest of the applications. That’s reason enough to not use it. In addition, it can be difficult to read when you use a smaller type size.CourierSince Courier was designed to look like you typed it, that is reason enough to stay away from it. In addition, because of its monospacing, it can look a little strange when reading it since all the letters are spaced equally.Comic SansUnless you are applying for a job with a comic book company, leave Comic Sans to use another time. Comic Sans falls i nto the flashy, over-the-top category you should stay away from.Brush ScriptScript is a no-no to start with, but Brush Script is the worst. This font, designed in 1942, is sadly out of date compared to many other fonts and may date you as well if you use it.Choosing the right font can be an important consideration when writing a resume since you want your resume to look neat and easily readable without being too flashy. Searching for a job itself also requires consideration and there are numerous ways to conduct a job search such as checking out daily job ads. TheJobNetwork does the work for you, freeing your time for other pursuits while you search. After you fill out a list of your job interests and qualifications, TheJobNetwork goes to work around the clock to find job listings that might interest you and sends them to you as email alerts. Sign up with TheJobNetwork to get started.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
A serial-killer investigation in a Korean rural setting in Memories of Essay
A serial-killer investigation in a Korean rural setting in Memories of Murder - Essay Example The story follows a linear structure that is typical of detective films. It starts with the first body found, and then revelations of the bodies of other victims. Detectives Park and Seo work with other cops to examine the evidence and crime scenes. Slowly, they learn more about the killing methods of the killer (i.e. using the things of the victims to kill them, such as panty hose for strangling their necks, putting their panties on their faces, and tying hands with the same knot) and his preferences in his victims (i.e. almost all are sexy, beautiful, and wearing red dresses walking at rainy nights). The investigation, in addition, slowly reveals more information about the personality of the detectives and their society. Inspector Park is shown as the contrast of Seo. Park is biased and unsystematic, almost apathetic to the victims, while Seo is scientific in his approach and committed to his job. The film also shows the setting’s socioeconomic and political issues. For inst ance, the rice fields show that the main livelihood of the people is agriculture. The surroundings also show rural poverty and political chaos. The mise-en-scene captures wide rice fields and old buildings. The police station and other interiors of buildings are shabby. The people’s costumes also demonstrate their poverty with faded clothing. The sharp contrast is seen between the first parts of the parade, where high school students wear traditional Korean dresses, but it rains, so they go for cover, and the next scene, which shows a riot against the president.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Leadership and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Leadership and Management - Essay Example Secondly issues of gender equality and gender abuse have taken place in the company which has caused the staff to show their disregard towards the other employees. Along with these cases of racial discrimination has also been reported in the company. Thirdly, the new team leader had been keeping the employees on their toes and the team members are not happy with the way she is ordering the employees at odd hours of the day. Key role players The Key role players in Malin Global are Hugo Friennes, the CEO of the company, Marina Guedeline, the head of the London Operations, Geraldine Highmore, who was newly recruited by Marina for a period of two year for looking after the administrative infrastructure of Marina Global, and Li Piung Ho who has been appointed as the team leader. All of these four people have some significance in the decision making of the company as well as in the day to day activities. Leadership Styles of the key stakeholders In the case of Malin Global the different p eople in the various positions have exhibited different style of leadership. First of all Hugo Friennes has shown a Delegative Leadership style. This is because at the time when he had decided to shift to New York he had entrusted the duty of the London office with the new employee Marina Guedeline. The CEO did not interfere into the activities of the London office when such problems arose. Therefore it is an example of delegation of the duties. On the other hand Marina has exhibited a participative leadership style (Porter and Lawler, 1968, p. 71). The London head, Marina had to handle various adverse situations in which she had always tried to discuss the issues with the concerned employees. Marina has shared the responsibility, control and decision making with the employees with whom she has been working (Bradley and Frederic, 1997, p. 337). She had not imposed any decision on the others and has tried to personally address the problems of the employees. However, Geraldine Highmor e and Li Piung Ho both have demonstrated authoritative behaviour. Geraldine has been looked upon as someone who is extremely outdated and who imposed her decisions on the others. This was the perception of the younger employees. On the other hand Li was perceived as an annoying team leader who would always call up the team members for getting the work done even when the employees would be out of office or on a holiday. This kind of work culture that Li was injecting into the organisation was also not acceptable (Carver and Scheier, 2001, p. 460). The most acceptable style out of these was the participative or the Democratic type of leadership. This is because all the employees could communicate their problems to the participative leader rather than the remaining ones. While the CEO and the Head of London Operations have shown a Transformational style, the Team lead and the Administration manager showed a Transactional style in which the employees had to accept the authority of the l eader. The authoritative attitude was not acceptable to the organisation where mostly the young people work. So a more collaborative attitude towards the employees would be appropriate for handling the different issues arising. The top management has to look into all the issues and not keep it only to one manager to handle it. Marina has shown a supportive style of management getting the employees more involved
Saturday, January 25, 2020
A Comparison between My Life and My Mothers Life Essay examples -- co
My Life and My Mother's Life My life compared to my mother's life is in many ways very different and in other ways a lot alike. The differences are there mostly because I was born into a different era. In 1928, my mother's life started out during the end of the Roaring 20's. It was a time of change in America. People were shocked at the short skirts, the drinking and smoking that the young women were participating in then. As the economy came to a crashing halt with the disastrous collapse of the stock market in October of 1929, so did many of the free and "high filutin" attitudes of the 20's. With the 1930's came The Great Depression followed soon after with the election of Franklin Deleno Roosevelt as U.S. President. His administration was responsible for many reform programs designed to help Americans get back on their feet again. President Roosevelt called it the "New Deal". As part of the New Deal, a program called the WPA was created. When I asked my mother what that stood for she replied "I can't remember the real name, we called it "We Poke Along". In my research, I uncovered the real name - Works Progress Administration. It was created in 1935 to combat unemployment at a time when it was at an all time high of 25%. The WPA employed 9 million people in various public works projects between l935 and 1943 of which my grandfather was one. They built roads, schools, dams, etc., which did a lot to improve their communities in those days; in addition, it provided a means to put food back on the table. My mother remembers little from these early days except th at there was not a lot to eat then, potato soup and beans being the constant staple. She and others who survived The Great Depression wanted t... ...ied 52 years now which in its' self says so much for her commitment and dedication. When I asked her what was the secret for a strong marriage she replied, "Never take each other for granted, get fixed up every morning. Try to make the home into a palace, cook good meals, tell each other 'I love you' often and be near him as much as you possibly can be, she said. Then added, "children add a lot to a marriage." Through her life alone, she has taught her children moral values that will be passed down for generations to come. With the faith and courage she has instilled in me, I was able to pull myself up and out of some bad situations where otherwise I would have been lost. I can truthfully say she is indeed my very best friend. Her strength and love for her family have never wavered, and our respect and love for her will always be a testament to her life.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Leaving home Essay
Every child needs to be surrounded by tenderness and love in order to grow up to be a successful person. Parents try as much as they can to offer everything that is required for their baby to have a comfortable life. However, when their children become teenagers, they will want to prove their maturity in many different ways, and one of them is moving out to live independently. In my belief, leaving home to live independently cannot indicate the teenagers’ maturity base on three following reasons: young people are lack of maturity, they cannot receive support from family and school, and their finance will be unstable. First of all, teenagers cannot live independently due to the lack of maturity. At this age, teenagers cannot predict the consequences of their doings. They will be undisciplined and begin to do bad things. All moving out-teenagers will be overwhelmed with having to take care of themselves so they will easily to be depress. Therefore, they will start to get into bad habits such as drinking, abusing drugs, and smoking in order to release stress. Moreover, they are very young, so they are unable to have thought through decisions. Teenagers without their parents have no one there to tell them right or wrong and they will probably end up making bad choices. Furthermore, teenagers can easily be influenced by others especially bad people; therefore, they can entice into committing crimes. Because the rate of criminals, drinking, and drugs is so high for teenagers that move out early, young people should not live apart from their parents. Next, when they start to live independently so early, they will be lack of many strong support systems such as family and education. Preventing from starvation is a must; however, these young people do not have enough time to learn how to cook for themselves. Instead of eating cooked nutritious food, teenagers have to eat instant food or fast food which is not good for their health. Thus, they will miss the food made by their parents. Moreover, when they live away from home, they will have to do the work themselves. Cleaning, washing clothes, finding food and shelter will cost lots of time and effort, so it will not leave so much time to do other things. Besides, moving out during teenage years, there will be a higher chance of dropping out of school because their time is all spent on working and doing housework. When their study is interrupted, they will be lack of knowledge, and this will prevent them from having a job, a better life and brighter future. Finally, living on their own, teenagers cannot receive the needed financial support from parents which leads to the financial instability. Having a place to stay, having enough money to live and to protect oneself require a lot of money. On the other hand, earning money is an extremely difficult task, and for young people, they also have to take on further challenges when finding a job. For instance, many jobs require lots of degrees and certificates; moreover, most places do not allowed youngsters to work under the legal working age which is an18 years old. Most early teenagers are very stubborn and they are scared of being embarrassed; therefore, they will not likely to ask for any help from anybody. So when they do not have enough money to support their lives, they will easily commit crimes. At a result, they become a burden to society. In conclusion, teenagers are the one who always want to prove themselves to the world. One of the most common methods is leaving home when they are very young and are not mature enough. However, living apart from parents during the teenage years is not a good indicator to prove their maturity. Living alone in the society is very dangerous to people especially teenagers, due to the fact that they can be influenced from many bad forces in real life. Therefore, I believe that the most wonderful time in life is teenage years and people should always value this period of time with their parents.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Personal Effects Of Plastic Surgery - 1210 Words
The Personal Effects of Plastic Surgery Plastic surgery dates back to somewhere around 2000 B.C. and has only advanced since that time. Today people all over the world get these procedures done for many reasons. Some reasoning behind individuals getting plastic surgery is to fix a birth defect, deformability, or for cosmetic purposes. In today’s society, getting plastic surgery for cosmetics purposes is very popular but with that comes many negative comments or thoughts towards that person getting these surgeries. Cosmetic surgery impact not just the person receiving it but everyone that sees those new features or changes. In the world we now live in I think body image is a big factor in many people’s lives. A lot of people do not always feel comfortable in their own skin because of the different models and actresses or actors seen on television. I think when we see those different people on television or on the internet, we think that’s how we should be able to look, this can make people have negative thoughts about their own body. In all reality, most of those people we see on television, magazines and social networks; almost all of those people have had some sort of plastic surgery to change their appearance. While these people change themselves they can send thousands of dollars on just one procedure. When someone has had over ten procedure done to themselves that dollar amount really starts to add up and that’s just of the negative effects of getting plastic surgery.Show MoreRelatedEssay about The Good, Bad, and the Ugly of Plastic Surgery548 Words  | 3 PagesPlastic surgery is more popular than ever. According to the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), 43,172 plastic surgery procedures in the UK were carried out in 2012. In general, individuals consider plastic surgery to improve physical features. 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