Thursday, May 21, 2020
Experience - 796 Words
First Amendment: Religion and Education Grand Canyon University: POS: 500 October 20, 2015 Religion and the First Amendment An examination of the First Amendment legal issues that arise when a student turns in an essay and the displaying of religious nature for an assignment will provide insight into how the First Amendment applies to classroom assignments. Each reason will provide important insight, information, and court cases to better help in giving a view of the first amendment in regards to religion and education. Legal Issues Regarding Grading of Assignment When grading a student essay, there are some legal issue that need to be considered. As a teacher, you cannot not accept a student’s work due to it containing†¦show more content†¦One case that caught my eye was the O.T. v. Frenchtown Elementary School District Board of Education, where a student performed in an afterschool talent show and wanted to sing the song â€Å"Awesome God.†The school violated her rights due to her performance not bearing the imprimatur of the school and her viewpoint being discriminated (O.T. v. Frenchtown Elementary School District Board of Education). Application of First Amendment to the Scenario The First Amendment is designed to protect all citizens by giving them the right to express themselves in different ways. In doing so, we still have to be careful on how we do it. Students have the right to express themselves as long as it does not cause any disruption. In my school district, we abides by the First Amendment by not forbidding all mention of religion in the school system (Pamlico County Board of Education, 2015). The only part that is prohibited is the advancement or inhibition of religion (Pamlico County Board of Education, 2015). My school district feels that there’s nothing unconstitutional about using religious subjects or materials as long as it is in compliance to the neutrality of the education program (Pamlico County Board of Education, 2015). Conclusion When working with students assignments that deals with religion, we as educators have to take various things into considerations. We have to allow students the opportunity to express themselves even when dealing with religiousShow MoreRelatedPersonal Experience : My Experience920 Words  | 4 PagesMy Personal Experience Whatever experience, we have either good, bad or ugly; our experience reflects on our behavior or action. In life everybody has their own experience; as Lewis N. Roe said â€Å"personal experiences are probably the most convincing reason to believe for any individual who has had them†. My personal experience is the 1st hand experience that belongs to my private events that have taken place in my life. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The American Dream Myth Anastasia And Anastasia
Social class creates a stratification in society that divides and unequally distributes power and privilege based on money, inheritance, wealth, and assets. The power associated with social class affects how one operates in life when it comes to making decisions and motives for committing actions. A childhood motion picture that depicts this idea is Anastasia. Anastasia is an American produced, fictional musical loosely based off of the Russian Empire Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova. Anastasia follows the orphaned Grand Duchess Anya, who suffers from retrograde amnesia, on her quest to find her family. She is joined by two swindlers who seek to con the Dowager Empress Marie Ferdorovna into believing that Anya is the long lost†¦show more content†¦Petersburg, who are noticeably lower class, begin to plot and scheme in â€Å"A Rumor in St. Petersburg†by selling, what they claim are, â€Å"authentic†items belonging to the fallen Romanov family, incl uding Anastasia. They are motivated to deceive others in order to receive monetary rewards. More specifically, Dimitri and Vlad, whose jobs are never disclosed but they are dressed in dull and mundane clothing (so it can be assumed that they are of lower class), brag about how they plan on committing the â€Å"biggest con in history†by finding a girl who can play the role of princess Anastasia. It is important to question why they would be willing to go through such drastic measures. The reoccurring theme in Anastasia is those in the lower class are motivated by money. With them belonging to the lower class, where money is not readily available item, they must accomplish their goal of attaining money by any means necessary. Hence, the working class actions are driven by the thought of obtaining money. Moreover, Anastasia illustrates how those in the upper class can use their class as a means to meet their immaterial needs. The Grand Royal Duchess is motivated to find her long lost granddaughter because she seeks the thing that money cannot buy: love. Marx argues that money is the â€Å"external, universal means and power to change representation into reality†(Marx 272). Empress Dowager is able to use ten million rubles to represent the return of her granddaughter. By making theShow MoreRelatedNevada Gambling Essay2412 Words  | 10 PagesIt legitimized a small but lucrative industry. That same year construction started on the Hoover Dam Project which, at its peak, employed 5,128 people. The young town of Las Vegas virtually was insulated from economic hardships that wracked most Americans in the 1930s. Jobs and money were prevalent because of Final Project 3 Union Pacific Railroad development, legal gambling and construction of Hoover Dam 34 miles away in Black Canyon on the Colorado River. World War II stalled major resort growth
Colour Blindness Free Essays
Colour blindness is a very well known deficiency that affects approximately 8% of the population worldwide (Fluck 2006). People who are colour blind are not technically blind, they have a decreased ability to identify colours and in the most extreme cases, not able to see colours at all. The technical term for being colour blind is achromatopsia which means the inability to see any colours at all. We will write a custom essay sample on Colour Blindness or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, most people are only colour deficient and not fully color blind therefore they can be classified as monochromatic, which means the ability to see one colour, or dichromatic, the ability to see two colours. Colour blindness is a congenital and permanent mutation of the X chromosome, which is passed on to an offspring by the mother. The most typical case of this deficiency originates from a fault in the development of sets of retinal cones that perceive colour in light and transmit that information to the optic nerve. Men are more likely to have a form of colour blindness due to the fact that the only have a single X chromosome compared to women who have two. For a woman to become colour blind both of her X chromosomes must be mutated compared to only one for a man. At first glance one would think that being colour blind would have no evolutionary advantages at all, however, that is not the case. US Military studies have shown that soldiers who are colour blind are much better at distinguishing camouflage compared to soldiers without the deficiency (Boring 1945). Even with this skill, most people would consider being colour blind to be a disadvantage on everyday life. Boring, Edwin G. (ed. ) Psychology for the Armed Services Washington: The National Research Council – The Infantry Journal, 1945. http://www. straightdope. com/columns/read/3037/is-colorblindness-an-evolutionary-advantage How to cite Colour Blindness, Essay examples
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